Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 79

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
To ensure that honors course credits are applied appropriately and efficiently within a student ’ s academic plan , the student should meet regularly with his / her program advisor and the Director of the Honors Program , preferably each semester at the time of pre-registration , for a review of the distribution and placement of honors credits .
• Recognition of Honors Program on transcript and diploma
• Special advising
• Small seminar classes that emphasize interactive learning and critical thinking
• Immersion in a challenging , classical liberal arts education
• Cultural and social events and occasions for informal gatherings with Honors faculty
• The option of on-campus Honors living-learning community
• Enhanced eligibility for graduate study and employment
• Participation by students from a cross- section of academic majors
• Weighted GPA for HON courses
Program Student Learning Outcomes : PLO1 Communicate effectively in oral and written formats . PLO2 Collaborate with others and interact as responsible , thoughtful , and compassionate citizens of the world of the twenty-first century . PLO3 Develop research skills , including the ability to question , synthesize , analyze , reason and interpret information . PLO4 Recognize the interconnectedness of knowledge , regardless of discipline . PLO5 Identify , evaluate , analyze , and interpret primary sources . PLO6 Assess differing and often conflicting interpretations of primary source texts that provide contemporary insights into intellectual , cultural , political , and social movements .