Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 78

Gwynedd Mercy University AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
705U _ prvst


Director : Patrick Messina , PhD Associate Director : Robert Clewis , PhD
Mission Students who are enrolled in undergraduate degree programs may be invited to participate in the Honors Program based on admission criteria . The Honors Program provides an academically rigorous and challenging curriculum , steeped in the liberal arts and sciences , to the University ’ s brightest and most industrious students . The Program is committed to preserving an academic culture that inspires a genuine eros for learning . Honors courses are designed to delve deeply into their subject matters in a way that allows students and professors to enter into a conversation of discovery .
Program Description The Honors Program is a 6-course , alternative general gducation curriculum designed according to a modern interpretation of the original , medieval “ artes liberals ( liberal arts ).” Each course comprising the Program falls under one of the following categories : dialectic , rhetoric , grammar ( trivium ); math , science , music ( quadrivium ). There is a variety of courses within each category , all of which substitute for an appropriately corresponding general education course .
Type : Term Program Modality : On-Ground
Admission Requirements First-Year / Transfer Students
• 3.5 GPA
• Interview with Honors Program Director
Current Students
• 3.33 cumulative GPA
• One letter of recommendation from faculty
• Interview with Honors Program Director
Completion Requirements
• Six Honors courses
• 3.0 Honors Program GPA , plus 3.33 cumulative GPA in an undergraduate program
Curriculum Students in the Honors Program take six courses in these artes liberales :
Trivium Dialectic : philosophy , religious studies , history Rhetoric : English , political science , communication , history , philosophy Grammar : English , communication , history , religious studies , philosophy , language
Quadrivium Music : music , drama , art history , English , communication , philosophy , history , religious studies Mathematics Science : interpreted as physical and social sciences