Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 70

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Payment by Check : Make all checks payable to GWYNEDD MERCY UNIVERSITY . All checks are to be drawn on US banks and in U . S . dollars . You may mail your check to the Gwynedd Valley campus or pay with an online check through your self-service account . All checks online or mailed are subject to a 10 day waiting period before Billing Holds will be removed .
Payment by Credit Card : The University accepts VISA , Master Card , American Express and Discover . You may use your credit card online through the student ’ s self- service account . You will be assessed a 2.85 % convenience fee for using a credit card online or in person .
Payment by Cash The maximum cash payment accepted is $ 1500 . This form of payment can only be taken at the main campus location .
Payment through Installment Plan : The Gwynedd Mercy University Installment Plan administered by Touchnet is a convenient way for parents and students to finance education expenses . The installment plan applies to students enrolled in Term Programs , only . Students enrolled in Non Term Programs are not eligible due to the dynamic nature of their programs . The installment plan allows you to spread university expenses over 5 , 4 or 3 months dependin on when you sign up for the plan for each semester . Fall semester payments start in July . Spring semester payments start in December . Additional information can be found on the Bursar ’ s web page . Students can sign up through their self-service account .
Employer Reimbursement : Students who are reimbursed by an employer may be eligible to receive an extension for payment of a portion of the amount due . Prior to registration a copy of the employer ’ s policy and a statement from the employer stating the student ’ s eligibility is required . Documentation is required at the beginning of each academic year . Ten percent ( 10 %) of the tuition is then required at registration and the balance is due prior to the end of classes .
In view of rising costs , Gwynedd Mercy University reserves the right to increase charges at any time and to make such changes applicable to students presently enrolled as well as to new students .
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Withdrawal / Refund Policy
To be eligible for tuition refund a student must officially withdraw by completing a withdrawal form available in the Office of Academic Affairs . The amount of the refund is based on the date of the withdrawal form is recorded in the Registrar ’ s Office . Not attending class does not automate an official withdrawal .
To be eligible for a refund of room and board a student must officially notify the Office of Residence Life . The amount of the refund is based on the date of the withdrawal is verified by the Office of Academic Affairs . Refunds are established by Residence Life and are included in your housing contract .
No refunds will be issued until at least ten days after the drop / add period . The refund date is established by the Bursar ’ s Office and posted to the Bursar ’ s web page . This includes refunds for overpayment and excess financial aid .