Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 69

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Allied Health Pre-Requisite Courses for Non-Matriculated Students $ 350 per credit hour
Program Specific Fees Course Related Fees
$ 50-100 per course ** See your Program Description for additional fees that may need to be paid directly to the vendor or professional association
Additional Fees Applicable to All Non-Term Program Students Comprehensive Fee The comprehensive fee contributes towards the cost of providing computer / technology access , activities , use of facilities and the other resources generally available to all students . One-time Graduation Fee The graduation fee covers only a portion of the costs associated with University commencement events , including fees related to your diploma , diploma cover , and regalia . The graduation fee is payable in the semester of graduation . The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you participate in the commencement ceremony .
$ 20 per credit hour
$ 175
Additional Fees as Applicable
Bad Check / Credit Card Fee
$ 50
Late Payment Fee
$ 100
Official Transcript from the National Students Clearinghouse
$ 4
Official Transcript from the Registrar ’ s Office : allow 48 hours for
$ 5
Expedited Official Transcript Request from the Registrar ’ s Office
$ 25
Printing / copying ( exceeding 300 pages free per semester )
$ 0.10 per page
Challenge Examination Request Fee
$ 140 per course
Challenge Examination Earned Credit
$ 140 per credit
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Payment Policy Payment of tuition , fees , and other charges is due on the published due dates . Term Programs , tuition is due in August for the fall semester and December for the spring semester . For Non Term Programs , tuition is due at the beginning of each class . Payment by employer reimbursement or payment plans must be arranged with the Bursar ’ s office prior to the published due dates in order to avoid changes for late payment . Students will not be issued degrees or transcripts and will not be permitted to register for future classes until all financial obligations have been cleared .
Delinquent Accounts : A student who is financially delinquent shall forfeit the privilege of attending classes , and the University shall have the right to withhold grades , transcripts and diploma or certificate until such indebtedness is paid . A student who is financially delinquent at the close of a semester will not be permitted to register for another semester until all accounts are settled . Student accounts that are not resolved by the end of the semester will be placed with a collection agency . The student will be responsible for the full amount due plus all associated collection costs , late fees and legal fees . Third party fees can add up to 40 % additional to your past due balances .