Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 68

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
computer / technology access , activities , use of facilities and the other resources generally available to all students . Part-time Student Comprehensive Fee ( per credit hour ) The comprehensive fee contributes towards the cost of providing computer / technology access , activities , use of facilities and the other resources generally available to all students .
$ 20 per credit hour
Additional Fees as Applicable
Bad Check / Credit Card Fee
$ 50
Late Payment Fee
$ 100
Official Transcript ( allow 48 hours for processing )
$ 5
Expedited Official Transcript Request
$ 25
Printing / copying ( exceeding 300 pages free per semester )
$ 0.10 per page
Parking Permit for Residential Student
$ 85
Parking Permit for Commuter Student
$ 55
Challenge Examination Request Fee
$ 140 per course
Challenge Examination Earned Credit
$ 140 per credit hour
Room Charges for Resident Students
2021-2022 Rates are Effective August 15 th , 2021
Fall 2021 Room Reservation Deposit : New Resident Students only
$ 200
Room Lottery Deposit : Returning Resident Students only
$ 250
Standard Double - Loyola Hall
$ 5,630 per year
Standard Double - Alexandria Hall
$ 5,936 per year
Deluxe Double - Siena Hall , Saint Brigid Hall , Alexandria Hall
$ 6,528 per year
Premium Double -Alexandria Hall
$ 6,400 per year
Single Room - Loyola Hall
$ 6,650 per year
Single Room - Siena Hall , Saint Brigid Hall
$ 7,548 per year
Single Room - Alexandria Hall
$ 6,936 - $ 7,956 per year
Board Charges 2021-2022 Rates are Effective August 15 th , 2021 . Price freeze-Same as last year . * All resident students are required to participate in a meal plan . Commuter students may choose to participate in any of the plans listed below . 15 Meals per week Plan $ 6,640 per year 10 Meals per week Plan $ 6,370 per year 100 Block Plan with $ 100 MERV dollars $ 1650 15 Block Plan with $ 50 MERV dollars $ 250 10 Block Plan with $ 25 MERV dollars $ 165
Non-Term Programs Tuition Associate of Science in Business Administration Program Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Program Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology Program
$ 285 per credit hour $ 490 per credit hour $ 490 per credit hour