Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 71

Gwynedd Mercy University AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Term Programs
Fall and Spring Semester
Percentage of Refund
Withdrawal prior to the first day of semester
100 %
Withdrawal through end of drop / add period
75 %
Withdrawal through first week after drop / add period
Withdrawal through second week after drop / add period Withdrawal after end of second week after drop / add period
50 %
25 %
Summer Schedule
Percentage of Refund
Withdrawal prior to the first day of session
100 %
Withdrawal by the end of the first week
50 %
of session
Withdrawal second week of session to end of
Non-Term Programs
Withdrawal prior to first class
100 %
Withdrawal after 1st class
90 %
Withdrawal after 2nd class
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Student Health Insurance
All full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Term Programs are required to carry health insurance . If a student is not otherwise insured , the University has arranged for basic coverage . A fee for this coverage will be assessed to all full time students . This fee will be waived upon presentation of proof of insurance to the University ’ s Insurance Carrier . In order for the fee to be waived students must complete an online waiver before the deadline established each year . Students who fail to meet the deadline are automatically covered and charged for insurance . There are no exceptions after the deadline has passed . Information about the Health Insurance Plan may be obtained from the Office of Campus Health or the Campbell Solution Center . Do not confuse this online waiver process with proof of insurance to live in the residence halls or play sports on campus .
Resident Student
In order to be eligible to move into the residence halls a student must be officially registered for 12 + credits each semester and be in good financial standing ( No financial holds ). Financial holds that prevent a student from officially registering and attending classes also prevents a student from moving into the residence halls . Financial matters can be discussed with the staff at the Campbell Solution Center or Bursar ’ s Office . All students must complete their financial aid paperwork and have their funding in place prior to attending any class or moving into the residence halls at the beginning of each academic semester .