Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 64

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
register . Responsibility rests with the student for the selection of courses that will satisfy the requirements of the University for graduation . Each student is assigned an advisor to assist with course scheduling . The student must consult with his or her advisor each semester / session . An advisor ’ s signature or an online approval is required for registration .
Second Degree Program
A student who has earned a bachelor degree from a regionally accredited college or university and is accepted into an associate or bachelor degree program at Gwynedd Mercy University enters the degree through the " second degree " program . The Dean will complete an evaluation of previous college work , and a curriculum will be tailored toward the needs of the student . A minimum of thirty ( 30 ) credits at Gwynedd Mercy University will be required of all students who are accepted through this program . Student will be awarded 95 credits of advanced standing credits . The student would be required to complete all courses deemed necessary by the Dean of the School or Program Coordinator of the major , as well as any general education courses that are listed as requirements for eligibility of graduation .
Single Degree for Two or More Major Programs
Students with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 , after the completion of 30 credits or permission of the Program Coordinator , may elect to pursue a degree in a second major program , as long as it is the same type of degree as their primary major program . The permission to pursue such a degree must be granted by the Dean ( s ) and obtained in writing . The student is responsible for all major courses , specified by the Dean of the second major area of study . ( Example : Two major programs , both earning a BA , BS , or BSN degree )
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Student Eligibility
Students must be officially registered at the University in order to attend class . If the student is not on the class list , the professor must ask the student to leave that class . Students enrolled in Term Programs must report to the Campbell Solution Center to resolve administration issues . Students enrolled in Non-Term programs should contact their assigned Academic Advisor or email adultadvising @ gmercyu . edu . The student will not be able to report back to class until they are officially registered .
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Transcripts , Requests
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 , as amended , prohibits the release of educational records by institutions without the specific written consent of the student . Students or alumni may request copies of their transcripts by writing to the Registrar ’ s Office . There is no charge for copies sent between offices at Gwynedd Mercy University . Transcript requests are processed in the order received and require 2 to 3 days to process . Specific deadlines should be mentioned when requesting the transcript . A student who has not satisfied all financial obligations in any department of the University will not be able to receive transcripts . Students can visit the Registrar ’ s web page on www . GMercyU . edu for instructions on requesting a transcript .
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