Gwynedd Mercy University AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Minor Program
Students interested in earning a minor should consult the specific section of the catalog that pertains to that subject . Students must check with the appropriate Dean and complete a “ Change of Major / Minor ” form which is submitted to the Registrar ’ s Office . Forms can be obtained on the Registrar ’ s Office website .
Off-Campus Credit Approval
Students , once matriculated , are expected to complete all course work at Gwynedd Mercy University . Approval to take courses at another regionally accredited college or university will be granted to students in good academic standing only if special or mitigating circumstances exist . No off-campus courses will be permitted during the student ’ s last semester prior to graduation unless a course is required for graduation and not offered at Gwynedd Mercy University . If a student is required to repeat a course , the repeated course must be taken at Gwynedd Mercy University .
Credits for approved courses taken at another regionally accredited institution will be transferred upon successful completion of the course with a grade of C ( 2.00 ) or better and upon receipt by the Registrar ’ s Office of an official transcript from the other institution . Students should confer with their advisor , as some Schools within the University may require a higher grade for credit transferability . Students who have earned and / or transferred 60 or more credits toward a bachelor degree may request off-campus courses only at regionally accredited baccalaureate-granting institutions .
Students must submit a completed “ Course Off Campus ” form ( found on the Registrar ’ s Office website ) to the Office of Academic Affairs prior to registering for the course ( s ) at the other institution . The University will not accept transcripts or apply credits for courses taken off campus that were not approved by all required parties in advance .
Participation in Physical Education Courses with Academic Credit
Any student seeking a degree at Gwynedd Mercy University may enroll in any two PE courses . These courses are one credit open electives which meet for eight weeks of the semester . No more than a total of two ( 2 ) PE credits may be counted towards the total credits required for any degree . Students are welcome , of course , to enroll in additional PE courses on a non-credit basis .
Pre-Law Option
Gwynedd Mercy University offers a Pre-Law Option . This option is given in conjunction with the following major : history , The student receives the bachelor ’ s degree in his or her major field , but the special pre-law component prepares the student for the rigors of law school . The pre-law component is described under each participating major .
U401 _ Rgstr
Students are expected to register within the dates published on the Registrar ’ s Office website ( see Academic Year ). The University reserves the right to cancel all courses for which there is insufficient registration . A student who has not satisfied all financial obligations in any department of the University will not be able to