Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Computer Use Policy The computer technology sources ( lab or smart classroom facilities , hardware , software and media equipment ) at Gwynedd Mercy University are provided to assist students , faculty , administration and staff in the pursuit , collection , and presentation of academic information . Because these computer technology resources are the property of Gwynedd Mercy University , their operation by individuals associated with the University should be consistent with the mission and values of the institution . ( Please refer to the student handbook for the complete computer use policy of the University .)
Learning Management System Students should be aware that the Learning Management System records student usage data . Instructors have access to this data and can monitor student activities while they are using Canvas or Blackboard . It is a student conduct violation to download recorded conversations to a computer , upload them to the internet , or otherwise share , transmit or publish such recordings without the prior written consent of all participants ( unless the professor has agreed in writing to such action and the recording is a recording of the professor ’ s class ).
The following technology resources are available for students : IT Service Desk ( Help Desk ) – communication and support of technical needs and requests Computer Labs – Six computer labs Classrooms and Technology Enhanced Rooms – for teaching , learning and presentations Wireless Access – connections in common areas of each major building on campus Campus Network – highly available , redundant internet service providers and secure Emergency Notification Center – Omnilert campus text message notification for important announcements Blackboard / Canvas – a learning management system for courses and collaboration
Computer Labs and their Descriptions
Gwynedd Mercy University offers multiple labs serving the faculty , staff , and students . These labs are maintained by Institutional Technology Services with the various software and hardware . Each lab is managed by their individual departments listed below . Please contact these departments for lab schedules .
Lab Hours Labs located on the Gwynedd Valley Campus are open Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 6:00pm . Departmental labs , managed by their individual departments , may be reserved by instructors . These labs would be unavailable during these times .
Gwynedd Valley Campus Saint Bernard Hall , Room 16 This lab features twenty workstations running Windows 10 and Microsoft OFfice . This lab is also equipped with a Copier / Printer / Scanner as well as a 75 ” 4k flat panel screen . Natural Science & Mathematics & Health Professions Computer Lab ( Frances M . Maguire Hall , Room 203 ) The Natural Science & Mathematics lab features twenty workstations running the Windows 10 operating system . These workstations support Microsoft Office . This lab is also equipped with a Copier / Printer / Scanner .