Under Construction Journal Issue 6.1 UNDER CONSTRUCTION JOURNAL 6.1 | Page 50
The Restatement of Law (second) Torts 1977
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Cantrell v Forest City Publishing Co. US 419, 1974: 245
Gertz v Ropert Welch, Inc. US 418 1974: 323 - 340.
McKennitt v Ash (CA). EWCA Civ, 2006: 1714
Mosley v MGN. EWHC 1777 (QB), 2008
P v Quigley. EWHE 1051 (QB), 2008
Time, Inc. v. Hill. 385 U. S. , 1967: 374
Aplin, Tanya & al. Gurry on Breach of Confidence: The Protection of Confidential Information (2nd
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O’Callaghan, Patrick. Refining Privacy in Tort Law, London: Springer, 2013.
Frost, Chris. Journalisms, ethics, and regulations, (3 rd edn). London: Preason Education Limited, 2011.
Robison, Wade L, Larry May, C. T. Sistare & Jonathan Schonsheck (eds). Liberty, equality, and plurality.
Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1997.
Toulson Roger & Charles Phipps, Confidentiality (2 edn), London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2006.
Book Chapter