Under Construction Journal Issue 6.1 UNDER CONSTRUCTION JOURNAL 6.1 | Page 51
Chamberlain, Erike. ‘Snooping: how should damages be assessed for harmless breaches of privacy’ in
Kit Barker, Karen Fairweather, and Ross Grantham (eds) Private Law in the 21st Century. Oxford:
Hart Publishing, 2017: 389–410.
Moreham Nicole & Tanya Aplin, ‘Privacy in European, civil and common law’ in Nicole Moreham & Sir
Mark Warby (eds) The law of privacy and the media, 3rd edn, Oxford: OUP, 2016: 89-162.
Le Morvan, Pierre. ‘Information, privacy and false light’ in Ann E. Cudd and Mark C. Navin (eds) Core
concepts and contemporary issues in privacy. London: Springer, 2018: 235–249.
Journal Articles
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McKenna, Bruce A. ‘False Light: Invasion of Privacy’ . Tulsa. L. J., 15, 1979: 113
Rolph, David. ‘Irreconcilable Differences? Interlocutory Injunctions for Defamation and Privacy’.
Media and Arts Law Review, 2012: 17
Descheemaeker, Eric. ’Defamation outside reputation: proposals for the reform of English law’ . Tort
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Schwartz, Gary T. ‘Explaining and Justifying a Limited Tort of False Light Invasion of Privacy’. Case W.
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Katsirea, Irini. ‘Fake news: reconsidering the value of untruthful expression in the face of regulatory
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John W. Wade, ‘Defamation and the Right of Privacy’ . Vand. L. Rev. 15, 1963: 1093
Nathan E Ray, 'Let There Be False Light: Resisting the Growing Trend against an Important Tort'. MINN
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O’Callaghan, Patrick. ‘False privacy and information games’. JETL 4, 2013: 282
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