Praise The Lord :
Upcoming Events :
Missions Focused
Praise The Lord :
Spring FISH Day 2013 - April 20th . Thanks to over 50 volunteers that used their Saturday morning to help our church and people in our community ! Volunteers participated in activities such as handing out water bottles at Clark ’ s Creek Greenway , collecting food at Harris Teeter for Loaves and Fishes , cleaning out storage closets at the church , spending time with the residents of Huntersville Oaks and the Laurels , serving breakfast at Charlotte Rescue Mission and much more ! We are blessed to have a church family that serves so willingly !
Upcoming Events :
Volunteers are needed to serve as EOG Proctors at David Cox Elementary School . All volunteers must attend one training session on May 17 , 2013 from 8:30-9:30am in the Media Center . EOG tests will be administered during the week of May 20-May 24 . We need proctors to help us from 9:30am-12:30pm each day . You can sign up for all testing days or you may choose specific days you want to proctor . Anyone who is interested should sign up in the school ’ s front office or contact Ms . Mitchell , 980-343-6540 or cheryl . mitchell @ cms . k12 . nc . us .
Get ready to shake your hips and shed some pounds for a good cause ! The Adult Mexico Missions Team will host a Zumbathon on May 18 , 2013 from 9am-12noon in the fellowship hall ! This event will be led by three professional instructors ! There is no minimum cost for this event but there will be the opportunity to make a donation to the Adult Mexico Missions Team ! Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this event ! For more information contact Andrea Reed , andireed01 @ gmail . com .
Want to help with a mission trip that ’ s not so far away ? Come to Oceana , WV ! Trip will be July 6-13 and costs $ 150 . Activities may include organizing a day camp for children that live in the area , service projects , construction , and more . Our first interest meeting will be May 19th at 2pm . For more information contact Lee Zeigler , lzeigler @ ucumc . org or 704-369-8017 .
Don ’ t forget that there are Stoplight Packs available at the Missions Table in the Connections Hallway . Feel free to take one for your family to have on hand to pass out to our homeless neighbors ! It is called a “ Stoplight Pack ” but don ’ t let that stop your family or you from purposefully going to a homeless person , share the pack and have a conversation . One the greatest ways we can help folks might be to remind him or her that he or she is still a human worthy of dignity and love !
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Pastor Ray McKinnon , Director of Christian Service rmckinnon @ ucumc . org , 704-369-8031