UCUMC Celebration Newsletter May 2013 | Page 11

Upcoming Events :
Praise The Lord :

Uplifting Passionate Worship

Upcoming Events :

On Wednesday , May 8th , the Children ’ s MGM Choirs will again present their Spring Musical , GPS : God ’ s Plan of Salvation at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary . Come support our children as they tell the love of God through singing , acting , ringing , dancing , and more !
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Praise The Lord :

On Sunday , May 5 , Dr . Gary Royals , Superintendent of the Metro District ( Charlotte Area ) was our guest preacher . During that worship service , we learned about our church ’ s participation in the My Hope America with Billy Graham campaign . Throughout the month we will learn more about serving God in our lives .
The Renovation Youth Choir has been quite busy during the month of April . On April 10th they partnered with the FUSION Praise Band and led worship at Hawthorne Lane UMC in Charlotte , NC . Before the time of University City , Hawthorne Lane UMC and Belmont Park UMC were pretty much neighbors . The Renovation Youth Choir led the Chapel service at Rebound ( Charlotte Rescue Mission ) on April 23rd and ministered to a large group of men who were hungry for the love of Christ . Finally , the choir spent most of the month preparing for Youth Sunday where they and the rest of the Youth Group of UCUMC led us in worship on April 28th . April has been exciting , challenging and fulfilling as the choir has continued to minister in our community .
April was an exciting month in worship at UCUMC ! We began the month with our Celebration Sunday on April 7 , and closed the month with Youth Sunday on April 28 . We focused on being Missions Minded , and welcomed in 17 new members .
On Wednesday , May 1st our Children ’ s MGM Choirs and Chimes Ensemble presented their spring concert . The 3 & 4 Yr Old Little Lambs Choir , the Beginning and Advanced Chimes , and the K-5 th Grade MGM Choir all participated . This year we featured the Children ’ s Musical , GPS : God ’ s Plan of Salvation . The presentation on May 1 was enjoyed by more than 175 . Participants included 51 children , ages 3 years-5 th Grade , 12 Adult Leaders , and 4 Youth Assistants . Our children and their adult leaders worked diligently since January to prepare this wonderful musical and dramatic presentation . We have learned music , drama , dance , and other special features in this show , and were excited to share GPS with our church community .
Worship celebrations in the month of May will reflect the core value of Called to Serve . One of the ways that we can serve God is by telling others about Jesus , as the disciple Matthew did .
The Renovation Youth Choir is now focused on their Summer mission trip . On June 26th the choir will head north with a stop in Virginia and several days in the Rochester , NY area as they minster through song , service projects , & encouragement to others . Please lift this group in prayer as they minister in new & exciting ways this summer .
We pray that God will bless you and your family in many special ways during this month . We look forward to worshipping with you in May , and look forward to serving God alongside you through the Worship and the Arts Ministry .
Lee Zeigler , Director of Contemporary Worship , 11:00am lzeigler @ ucumc . org , 704-369-8017
Matt Guild , Director of Traditional Worship , 9:45am mguild @ ucumc . org , 704-369-8011