Praise The Lord :
Upcoming Events :
children ’ s ministries
Praise The Lord :
Just a quick , yet sincere
THANKS to ALL of you who had anything to do with the success of UC Kids ’ Family Dance & Hula Hoop Night ! Whether it was prayer or helpful hands … THANK YOU ! We had over 125 people come out despite the bad weather ! Thanks to Laura Jones for bringing Hawaii here to University City UMC through our décor ! Kristen Hickling outdid herself with a palm tree made of pineapples ( pictured left ). The Children ’ s Ministry CREW worked hard to put on a rocking good time . After all the hard work , UC Kids Dance and Hula Hoop Night exceeded expectations !
UCUMC Weekday School : “ Jesus said , ‘ Let the little children come to me .’”— Matthew 19:14 Did you know that every other week the children enrolled in UCUMC Weekday School do just that ? They visit the Chapel to participate in a worship service just for them . In a few short minutes they worship , sing , pray and hear a Bible story that embodies a basic Christian truth ; e . g . God keeps his promises . In this way we are regularly planting the seeds of faith in all the children who attend school here . One of our 4-year old classes has put their faith into action this year . Each time they go to chapel , the children are asked to bring canned food and on their way to the chapel , they drop those cans of food off in the narthex to help the backpack ministry at David Cox Elementary . It has warmed my heart to see this class participate intentionally and consistently in one of the church ’ s ongoing mission projects in a way that further links faith with action . I hope that it warms your heart as well . – Debbie Swartzel , Director of UCUMC Weekday School .
Do you know someone who would like to attend the UCUMC Weekday School ? They have limited openings for all ages for the 2013-2014 school year . Contact Debbie Swartzel for more info , dswartzel @ ucumc . org or 704-369-8010 .
Upcoming Events :
Family Feud & Fun Night , Saturday , May 18th ; 5 – 7pm : We will have ridiculous fun as we compete in various ways throughout the evening .... family vs . family ! Of course , everyone will win when attending this awesome event ! We ’ re asking every family to bring a covered dish and we ’ ll make sure drinks are there to quench those competitive thirsts . For more information contact Tim Patrick , tpatrick @ ucumc . org or 704-369-8023 .
Would you like to help out at WinShape ? We have a place for you ! You can volunteer to feed the counselors , manage the checkpoint desk during the day , be a campus guide and more . This year ’ s camp will be June 17th - 21st , 2013 . For more information and to sign up go to www . ucumc . org / winshape .
VBS 2013 : Gotta Move - Get Your kids “ Movin ’ With the Spirit !” This fun , exciting VBS summer program will draw hundreds of children from all over our area and help them learn how to live a full life according to His plan , by implementing His designed attributes for each of us ! To register visit www . ucumc . org / vbs . For more information contact Tim Patrick , tpatrick @ ucumc . org or 704-369-8023 .
Camp Dates : July 15th – 19th ; Cost : $ 12 / child ; Ages : Rising 4 yr olds through Rising 5th grade ; We need : Campers / Volunteers / Prayers
WinShape Camp also needs Nurses ! We need caring RN ’ s with current NC licenses and up-todate / valid CPR training ! Dates and Times for are : June 17th - 21st ; from 8am to 5pm . Partial days can be scheduled if full days cannot be committed to ! Please contact Maggie Joseph , WinShape Nurse Coordinator , 704-599-3703 ( H ) or 704-519-5808 ( C ) Or Tim Patrick at : 704-369-8023 or tpatrick @ ucumc . org .
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Tim Patrick , Children ’ s Ministry Director tpatrick @ ucumc . org , 704-369-8023