Tyme 1920s 1 | Page 5

Page 3 Court Cases Red Scare Palmer Raids An anarchist group delivered bombs to prominent Americans, and later was found out about a May Day plan to deliver more bombs and cause a rise in communism on May 1st. The Department of Justice deported over 500 leftist radicals and anarchists to strike down communism. Sacco & Venzetti Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were convicted to death for killing 2 men in a robbery for $15,000. While there was little evidence, they were still executed as the Red Scare carried the anarchists to their deaths. Schenck vs. United States The Supreme Court passed the “clear and present danger” test to see if a state could limit a person’s freedom of speech. While this was later overturned, Schenck is still famous for courts making context based decisions.