TUR Mini Magazine Business Summer Edition | Page 7
Mz. Neeka: Are any of the produc- Shaneisha: I think the most difficult
tions based on true stories? How thing is making sure people take you
do you choose what production seriously. Some people are reluctant to
you’re going to do?
embrace you because you are new or
they haven’t heard of your company.
Shaneisha: No, my plays are fictional and adapted from my novels. I Mz. Neeka: How do you separate
choose topics that many people can your production company from
relate too. I’ll usually pray about it others?
and whatever God reveals to me is
what I bring to light.
Shaneisha: Black Girlz Productions
strives off of professionalism. We
Mz. Neeka: Do you think it’s hard give 110 percent during our perforin this industry being a woman?
mances. Our stories are raw. We
want the world to know that all stoShaneisha: I think like any profession ries don’t have fairy tale endings.
it has its challenges. Being a woman
sometimes means you have to work Mz. Neeka: How did it feel when you
a little harder to earn respect.
toured with your first production?
Mz. Neeka: What’s the most diffi- Shaneisha: Touring with my first procult thing you have had to endure duction felt great. I met a lot of talin this industry?
ented people, made a few major
connections, and was blessed with
a talented cast right out of the gate.
Mz. Neeka: Do you get nervous on
the opening night of your production?
Shaneisha: No, I don’t have enough
free time to get nervous. I am a borderline perfectionist. I like for things
to be done a certain way.
Mz. Neeka: Do you have any words
to live by?
Shaneisha: My motto is “dream big
or go home!” It’s very important. My
motto is self-explanatory. You have
to dream and put a plan in action
The Urban Release
to make it come true, or you will be
watching from the sidelines as other
people set their own path.
Mz. Neeka: Do you have any upcoming projects we should be on
the lookout for?
Shaneisha: Well, I’m currently working on a web series and have recently completed a screenplay.
Mz. Neeka: Do you have any final
words or shout outs?
Shaneisha: I would like to thank you
for taking the time to interview me.
I want to give a big shout out to my
“I’ll Be Single Before I Settle” cast, to
the BGP staff, and to our supporters.
I appreciate you. Without the love
and support, BGP wouldn’t exist.
Mz. Neeka: Where can supporters
go to keep up to date info about the
Shaneisha: You can always find
information on my website www
.blackgirlzproduct ions.com,
Instagram @blkgirlz12, Twitter@