By: Shadress Denise
e run the world; corporations, classrooms
and even have a front
row seat next to the
President of the United States. As a
matter of fact, we even manage to
find time to do things most would
never even consider. Too many people, it would seem, have thought
that gardening was a tedious task
performed by older women who
are retired and need a hobby. Lori
Caldwell, owner and founder of
CompostGal, proves gardening can
be fun and is not just for old women. The lady with the green thumb
gave us an up close and personal
look into the world of being green
and getting dirty.
| Business
SD: How did gardening become
your passion?
LC: The response I received was
very positive! Libraries took up the
torch way early for hosting classes
LC: I have always loved the idea of around gardening. Every year the inwatching things grow. My grandpar- terest increases. People are ready for
ents always had gardens and I grew a change to take a little bit of conup helping out. Some of my fond- trol back when it comes to their
est memories were weeding or pick- food. They are finding the benefits
ing veggies with them. I loved the of building healthy soil to actually
dirt under my nails (still do). As I got be true.
older I had edible gardens, mostly in
containers. Over the years I’ve ex- SD: Tell me a little about what companded my knowledge about gar- post bins are and what they do.
dening: composting, permaculture,
chickens, etc.
LC: Composting in a bin is trying to
mimic the same process that occurs
SD: What was the initial response in nature. Having an actual bin is
from the public regarding your busi- necessary for composters who add
food scraps (egg shells, fruit/veggie
The Urban Release