Trusty Servant May 2022 Issue 133 | Page 37

No . 133 The Trusty Servant
John Smyth QC Independent Review
In 2020 the College commissioned an independent review of the abuse committed by the late John Smyth QC against a number of former pupils who were at the school from the mid-1970s until 1982 . The Review was completed earlier this year and published in full on the Winchester College website on 18 January , together with a statement from the Warden and Fellows . The Review and the statement can be found at : www . winchestercollege . org / stories / a-statement-from-the-warden-and-fellows-of-winchester-college .
The school is particularly grateful to the victims of John Smyth who showed great courage in coming forward , and also to the witnesses who gave valuable testimony to the reviewers .
OW Sport Fives :
Jamie McManus ( CoRo , 2001- ) reports :
Tom Watkinson ( I , 10-15 ) was the losing finalist in the Rugby Fives U25 National Singles competition in January 2022 .
The tournament itself was organised by James Smith ( E , 09-14 ), another sign that the OW Fives scene is far from idle at present .
Winchester Football *
Common Time 2022 VIs Festival , Thursday 31 March
The largest crowd of the day turned out to see the staff match of approximately 9-a-side . The following OW members of staff took part , brushing off , in some cases , last Century ’ s football boots :
Ben Cunningham ( K , 07-12 ), Rupert Mercer ( Coll , 04-09 ), George Leicester-Thackara ( K , 92-97 ), Christopher Normand ( F , 76-81 ).
Ali Harber , ( CoRo , 21- ) also playing , gave us a flavour of what mixed Winchester Football might look like in the future .
OW Winchester Football Festival
Inspired by the Win Coll Staff match , the Director plans to revive the Old Wykehamist Winchester Football festival , to take place on Saturday 25 March 2023 . The bare bones of the plan at the time of writing are :
• Six teams , playing across three canvases
• Referees to be drawn from the school
• Teams encouraged to be of varied ages , with handicapping favouring older players
• Team size TBC , but minimum six per team , and ideally ten .
• Dinner to be offered afterwards . Tickets available both to spectators and players
If you are interested in raising a side for this festival , please contact the Director ajcn @ wincoll . ac . uk
Winchester Football Dates for 2023
OTH v Commoner XVs . 4 February . There will be a 50 Years-on Reunion lunch held in the School beforehand .
OTH v Commoner VIs . 18 March . There will be stalls supplying beer and burgers for visitors attending VIs .
* The term Winchester Football is used universally to offend neither those who use the term Winkies nor those who would prefer to hear a return to Win Co Fo
OW Rowing
News from the Boat Race
Tobias Schröder ( Coll , 12-17 ) stroked Oxford to victory in the 167th Men ’ s Boat Race on 3 April . Tobias has rowed in the Blue Boat on three previous occasions .
Hugo Durward ( E , 12-17 ) was rowing at 3 in the Goldie crew during the Reserve Boat Race . Isis won the encounter by 3 ½ lengths . Hugo previously rowed for Goldie in 2019 and 2021 .
Icena Club AGM , Saturday 18 June 2022
The following notice was published by email on 4 May :
The Annual General Meeting of Icena ( the Old Wykehamist Rowing Club ) will take place on Saturday 18 June , beginning at 11.00 . It will be held in person at Boat Club . An agenda will be available before the meeting . If you have a topic you wish to be raised on the agenda , please send this by email to njw @ wincoll . ac . uk before the end of May .
The AGM is taking place during Wykeham Day . Food and other refreshments will be available on Lavender Meads throughout the day .