Trusty Servant May 2022 Issue 133 | Page 30

No . 133 The Trusty Servant
John Hugh Saumarez Smith ( Coll , 57-61 ); died 15.11.2021 . Son of WHSS , father of JWSS and GFSS . Sen . Cap . Prae . 1961 , Latin Spelling 1961 , Tennis VI 1961 . Trinity College Cambridge , 2 ( 2 ) Cl . Pts . 1 and 2 . Bookseller , G . Heywood Hill Ltd ., London 1965 , managing director 1974 : ‘ under his benign stewardship Heywood Hill remained a sanctuary for the true book lover .’ Director Jubilee Books 1976-87 ; director P . & G . Wells , 1981 ; chairman Phoenix Trust until amalgamation with Authors Foundation ; chairman , Trollope Society ; literary journalist and book consultant , National Trust , Country Life and various publishers . From 1991 , he was librarian at Chequers . He wrote The Bookshop at 10 Curzon Street ( 2004 ) and A Spy in the Bookshop : Letters between Heywood Hill and John Saumarez Smith 1966-74 ( two-volumes , 2007 ). Established the Heywood Hill Literary prize for lifelong contributions to literature , 1991 . He married Laura Erith in 1969 , who survives him with their 2 sons . Obituaries in The Times and Telegraph .
William ( Bill ) Peter Trustram Eve ( K , 57-61 ); died 5.2.2022 . Son of JDTE , brother of DJRTE . Hotel School , Lausanne ; trainee in wine trade , Bordeaux . Assistant manager of Charing Cross Hotel and Cotswold House Hotel ; manager Villa Fondatore Malta ; assistant manager London Hilton . The rest of his working life was spent abroad as a general manager of 5-star hotels . During nine years in the Middle East , he opened and managed hotels in Bahrain , Saudi Arabia ( the Royal Guest Palaces ) and Petra ( Jordan ). In 1999 he moved to Istanbul and became a teacher of English as a foreign language . He lived there for 18 years before returning to London . He owned a villa in North Cyprus for nearly forty years , which was his retreat from work . For the last few years of his life manned the Alcoholics Anonymous UK helpline : he derived great fulfilment from providing assistance to people struggling with addiction .
Michael James Mullane ( B , 57-62 ); died 19.2.2022 . Father of RJTJM . Soccer XI 1961-2 . RN College Dartmouth , Soccer XI ; RN 1963 , Permanent Commission , where he followed a normal executive career including specialising as a helicopter pilot , once landing his Wasp helicopter on Meads when visiting the CCF ; 1st Lt ( 2 i / c ), HMS Euryalus and Achilles ; Staff Course Greenwich 1981 ; Commanding Officer , 829 Squadron ; Director , Junior Staff Course 1986-87 ; Commander ( Air ) RNAS Portland ; MOD 1993-97 . As a Retired Officer , he was Editor of the Naval magazine Broadsheet 1998-2004 . He married Susan Howe in 1968 , who survives him together with their son .
John ( Johnnie ) Graham Hutchinson Brownrigg ( C , 57-63 ); died 23.12.2021 . Son of CAGB and brother of ACB . Running Stripe 1962-3 . Trinity College Dublin , 2 ( 2 ) Hist and Pol Sci , BA 1967 , then law student . Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co Ltd , Wolverhampton 1970-84 ( export / personnel administration ); Crown Financial Management , Woking 1987-8 ; Sun Alliance , Croydon 1988-92 ( Financial Services ); Foyles Educational Early Learning 1993- 2000 ; ACIS ( chartered secretary ) 1992 ; author of Fernden Time - the story of an English prep school ( 2002 ). Coordinator and Curator of Fernden School , Society until his death at home in Tavistock .
Antony Nicolas Hunter ( A , 58-63 ); died 9.6.2021 . VSO Thailand 1964 ; assistant master Heatherdown Preparatory School , 1965 . Barclays Bank plc 1966 , head of marketing 1983-7 , retail director , Thames Valley Region until 1998 . ACIB 1969 ;
Harvard Business School . He then set up his own independent travel agency and travelled extensively whenever he could . After his retirement , he immersed himself in the life of his local community , serving not only as chairman of the parish council , but also as editor of the Hook Focus Magazine and working back stage with the Hook Players . He approached everything he did with energy , enthusiasm and impeccably good manners and loved spending time with his family and friends . He married Pauline Murray in 1971 , who survives him together with their 2 daughters .
Nicholas John Kennedy ( E , 58-63 ); died 1.10.2021 . Brother of CGWK . Exhibitioner , Capt of Fencing 1963 . Scholar New College Oxford , 2 Mod Hist , BA 1967 . He joined Hutchinson at the start of his publishing career , which always had a strong international flavour first in Europe and later also in the Americas . After a move from London to Oxford he left publishing and variously ran The Gatehouse drop-in centre , working for a charity for the homeless and served as parish treasurer . A final and happy move was then made to rural Normandy , where his third and very successful career was as a guide to the Normandy battlefields . He was passionate about Mozart operas , cars of all shapes , sizes and conditions , and long lunches . He was a man always ready to entertain and to be entertained to the great benefit of all involved . He married Susan Davey in 1968 who survives him with their three sons .
John David Todd ( E , 61-65 ); died 3.11.2021 . Married Kathryn , who survives him together with 2 daughters and a son .