Trusty Servant May 2022 Issue 133 | Page 31

No . 133 The Trusty Servant
James Henry Marigold ( K , 62-67 ); died 10.2.2022 . Sen Co Prae 1967 , Lords 1966-7 , Soccer XI 1964- 6 ( Capt ), VI . Magdalen College Oxford , 2 Animal Phys 1970 , Capt of College Football 1969-70 . Clinical and post graduate training , St Thomas ’ s Hospital Medical School London , BM , BCh 1973 , MRCP 1977 , MSc 1982 . Consultant physician ( with interests in the elderly and gastro-enterology ) Salisbury General Hospital 1987 , where he remained until retirement in 2012 . And was an active member of the Salisbury Medical Society . He loved cricket , golf , tennis and gardening , He married Anne Brigitte Marie Huys in 1974 , who survives him , together with their 3 sons and a daughter .
Mark Maurice Restarick Beeson ( B , 67-71 ); died 26.2.2022 . Brother of DMWB . Queen ’ s Medal for English Verse , Ross Homer Greek Prose , Lords 1969 , 1971 . Robert Garven Scholar , Magdalen College Oxford 1972-4 & 1975-7 , 2 Cl Mod 1974 , 2 Hum Sci 1977 ; Exeter University 1982-5 , part-time , MPhil Psych 1985 , Hon Fellow 2012 . Field study of blue monkeys on a mountain in Central Africa ; writer , farm worker ; author of Bark Stripping by Blue

Vox Senum

Monkeys : Implications of Management - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 1987 , New National Park Guide : Dartmoor 1987 ; author of three radio plays , BBC Radio 4 : The Primates 1985 , The Therapists 1986 , and The Swallows 1989 . Prize winner , Arvon International Poetry Competition 1980 for The Walk ; FLS 1988 . Artistic Director , MED Theatre since 1989 which has been a rich part of Dartmoor cultural life for more than three decades , bringing local theatre to the whole community . He married Alison Hastie in 1980 , later divorced . He is survived by a son and daughter . Obituaries in The Guardian and Western Morning News .
Sir John Craven Carden Bt ( I , 67-72 ); died 12.11 . 2021 . A year reading Arabic at SOAS and then joined his parents in the Yemen , where he worked at the museum in Sana ’ a . He returned to the UK to take a degree at Portsmouth Polytechnic in Architecture and Architectural History . He was then involved in a number of research projects using his skills in data analysis . Following his marriage , he worked for a number of publishers on a freelance basis , where his gift for graphic design and his eye for detail was much appreciated . He then worked for Tesco 2002-17 , when he took early retirement . He spent many happy family holidays in Normandy . For such a complex and erudite man , he had a strong and very simple faith . Succeeded as 8 th Baronet 2008 . He married Celia Howitt in 1983 , who survives him together with their son .
Charles James Unwin ( A , 67-72 ); died 19.3.2021 . Son of PU and brother of DEJU . Bristol University 1973-76 , Econ , BSc ; ACA . An exceptionally gifted mathematician , he joined Touche Ross and then Price Waterhouse Coopers in Paris , where he perfected his already proficient French and was able to deepen his knowledge of fine wines , particularly Bordeaux . He moved with them to Romania where he helped the country in its transition from a totalitarian communist state to a modern democracy . He will be remembered as an immensely generous man , a gourmand and keen intellect who did not suffer fools gladly .
We are aware of the following death and will be including further information in the next issue :
Matthew Peter Knowles ( C , 04-09 ); died 4.2.2022
A lightly edited selection of correspondence . Readers may write to the Editor , Lucia Quinault , at trustyservant @ wincoll . ac . uk or the Director of Win Coll Soc , Christopher Normand , at ajcn @ wincoll . ac . uk .
More on Notions of the Naahties
Nick Whittaker ( Coll , 93-98 ) writes :
Thank you for the transcript of the Word of Mouth transcript [ available by emailing the Editor at the address above ].
I remember both Rufo and Edmund from College , and had Simon Woolley as my div don in the 4th year . The latter was nicknamed Boulay , and I ’ ll try to explain why as follows :
There ’ s a song ‘ Wooly Bully ’ by Sam the Sham and The Pharaohs , which is featured in many movie soundtracks . Someone must have heard it , exaggerated the pronunciation of Bully to Boulay , and a nickname was born . I think that ’ s why the unnamed Commoners in the transcript are laughing over ‘ lay boulay ’, as they imagined that Mr Woolley didn ’ t know of his nickname . I ’ d guess they were Toyeites , as Mr Woolley was a tutor in Toye ’ s during my time at Winchester .
Extra-curricular pleasures
Francis Miers ( B , 80-85 ) has written an article in response to the Warden ’ s explanation of the Vision in TS 131 . He writes :