Trust Talk Magazine Spring/Summer 2020 (Austin) | Page 10

Generation Baby Boomers X Business Focus CYNICAL WORK CENTRIC | SELF-RELIANT | INDEPENDENT | ENTREPRENEURIAL | GOAL ORIENTED 55% Productivity Startup founders who are Gen Xers—the highest percentage BO RN BE T W E E N 1946 1965 & 1964 1976 BY 2028 Gen Xers will outnumber Baby Boomers Myth Gen X is a generation of slackers. Reality Generation X are known for their individualistic nature. Often growing up in dual-income households, they were known to stay at home alone until their working parents returned, making them very self-reliant. Deemed the slacker generation by workaholic Baby Boomers, Gen X’s work ethic is unjustly looked down upon. It really all boils down to a generational difference in priorities and perspectives. Generation X doesn’t have the same devotion to companies and is skeptical of authority. Work to them is just a job, not a part of their identity. However, that doesn’t mean they’re any less productive. In fact, Generation X makes a strong workforce, as they understand how to focus and what to focus on. Welcomed Benefits Working from home Tuition Reimbursment Who They Are Also known as the “latch key” generation, Gen X is known for being self-sufficient. Generation X grew up in an era with an unstable economy and high divorce rate. This led them to be resourceful and independent, which subsequently makes them skeptical of authority. How They Work Generation X’s work is all about efficiency and freedom in the workplace. They dislike being micromanaged and have a disdain for overbearing authority. They like to get things done on their own and in their own time. Technology is also interwoven into the fabric of their lives, and they’re comfortable using multiple programs and devices. What They Value Generation X is interested in work-life balance and values flexibility. They like the option to do things in the way that works best for them. Monetary rewards, such as bonuses and stock options, are also appreciated by this generation. How They Like to be Recognized Time off, constructive feedback. 8 SPRING / SUMMER 2020