Trust Talk Magazine Spring/Summer 2020 (Austin) | Page 11

Generation Baby Millennials Boomers X Business Focus WORK AMBITIOUS CYNICAL CENTRIC | SELF | SELF-CONFIDENT RELIANT | INDEPENDENT | ENTREPRENEURIAL | OPEN-MINDED | GOAL ORIENTED 75% Contributions Percentage of global workforce that will be Millenials by 2025 Welcomed Benefits 15% BO RN BE T W E E N 1946 1964 1965 1976 1977 & 1997 Millenial ages 25 - 35 living at home with their parents Myth Millennials are entitled and pampered. Reality Millennials, like past generations, have been defined by a set of characteristics formed by their upbringings. Considered “trophy kids,” Millennials are stereotypically criticized for being rewarded for minimal accomplishments, leading to an inflated sense of self and an unrealistic expectation of working life. While the Baby Boomers were the “me” generation, Millennials are deemed the “me, me, me” generation. Despite their reputation, Millennials tend to be very outwardly focused and interested in helping others, especially in the workplace. Flexible Schedules Continued Learning Who They Are The largest generation as of 2016, Millennials are known for their confidence and achievement-oriented attitude. Millennials are very tech-savvy, having grown up with technology and the Internet. They like to communicate digitally and value teamwork. How They Work Millennials are the fastest growing segment of the workforce. They are particularly known for wanting to do valuable, meaningful work. If they feel fulfilled at work, they tend to be excited, work hard and work efficiently. They are collaborative and take on a no-person-left-behind mentality. They want to be included and involved but will prioritize what is important to them over work. What They Value Much like Generation X, Millennials are not interested in the workaholic lifestyle of the Baby Boomers before them. They are happy to trade higher salaries for fewer hours on the job. Work-life balance is a high priority for them, which can be seen as “lazy” to older generations. When it comes to benefits, however, Millennials are on the same page as previous generations, wanting stock options and valuable feedback. How They Like to be Recognized Regular, informal communication. BBB TRUST TALK 9