Trio - Upward Bound UB-1 | Page 25

Noeli Santos; Jalyn Earl; Marie Villanueva


This research showed that GMO’s have various negative effects on human health. It is vital that awareness of this issue is prominent. Companies will argue that GMO’s increase profit and improve the economy; however, research shows that the cost of these profits are dire. The real cost includes an increase in human diseases. Others will argue that GMO’s help reduce starvation around the world; however, the GM process decreases nutrients in foods. Some research argues that GM technology helps the environment because it helps weak crops grow. However, GM technology actually affects the natural wild and aquatic surrounding environment, contaminate nearby crops and beneficial insects.


In order to discontinue the negative effects that GMO’s have on consumers and the environment, there should be more opportunities for consumers to learn the truth about GMO’s. Companies, such as Monsanto, hide the truth about the chemicals they inject in animals and plants. They also falsely advertise how they contribute to society. The U.S. government should require these companies to report all effects that GMO’s have on living things. These corporations should also include labels on their products that specify that they are a GMO product. Individuals should have the right to be informed of what is being put into their bodies. Recently, a bill regarding labeling GM foods was passed through the Senate House. The bill , of course, includes labeling GM foods but the issue is much larger than just labels. Now it is a matter of what exactly is going on the label such as a simple QR code, “NON GM FOOD” sticker or an actual detailed list of ingredients so the consumers will know what exactly is being put in their bodies.

Future research will examine the effects that GMO’s have on animals, and explore the abuse that animals endure in many factories in the United States. Because we felt so strongly about this topic, we will also organize an anti- GMO campaign for TRiO \ UTSA students. We will measure the effects that the campaign has on students’ decision- making regarding food.


Ardekani, A. M. (2014). Genetically modified foods and health concerns. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology Iran J Biotech, 12(2). doi:10.5812/ijb.19512

GMO: Harmful Effects. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

GE food dangers: Why GMOs can never be safe. (2016, January 6). Retrieved July 12, 2016 from


We would like to acknowledge everyone one who helped us through this academic challenge.