The Expected Economic Loss in the United States
due to Bumble Bee Population Decline.
The purpose of this research is to examine how the bumble bee population in the United States is falling into a global crisis. The large decline in the bumble bee population can lead to an ongoing crisis in the U.S. This research includes a chart to show what crops would be hard to obtain without the bumble bee population as well as a chart showing the decrease in the bumble bee population in the United States, Europe and China. A chart representing the economic loss without bumble bees is also included. The research offers preventative measures or steps the human population can pursue to preserve our current bee population. These measures include planting bee friendly plants, limiting or reducing the amount of pesticides used on vegetation, buying from local farmers, or buying locally grown fruits and vegetables to support local beekeepers. Another important measure includes donating to the Pollinator Partnership, the world's largest non-profit organization dedicated solely to help protect pollinators like bees. With the information collected, this research can prove that the bumble bee population is a decreasing species.
Bumble bees have been around for over 100 million years, being a necessity for everyday life. Bumble bees are unaware that they pollinate all plants while they are gathering their nectar. The world without the bumble bees would not be the world as we know it; without bumble bees plants would not be able to reproduce and grow, therefore oxygen and vegetation would not be produced. It is safe to say that Bumble Bees play a major role in life, according to British Broadcasting Corporation “they are critical pollinators: they pollinate 70 of the approximately 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world. Honey Bees are responsible for $30 billion a year in crops.” Bumble bees are a major contributor to our food sources. Without bumble Bees we would lack in specific fruits, vegetables and flowers. Bumble bees impact the environment and the economy. Bumble bees contribute to 29 billion in the U.S. farm income due to their pollination. Within everyday life, the chance of a person eating or using a bee related product is very high. Bumble bees are vital pollinators, so without them people would not have beans, tomatoes, or hundreds of other vegetables. Many important resources are dependent on bee pollinated plants. Although there are a variety of diseases and pesticides that are killing off the bees we need, life without bees would cause North America and many other continents to go into a global bee crisis.
Based on declining Bumble Bee population research, the research group hypothesizes the United States environment will suffer through vegetation loss leading to negative economic impacts.
This research is a literature review of the bumble bee population decline. The community chosen for this topic is the United States. Three peered reviewed journals were searched on the topic of the bumble bee decline in the United States using resources from Science AAAS, Orkin, CNN, Natural History Museum, the USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership Publication, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife service, and The British Beekeepers Association.
The commercialization of bumble bees could contribute to the bumble bee decline; commercialized bees have diseases that are bred with un-commercialized bees, strengthening the parasites. Six named viruses have been reported from the Bombus parasite which is direct evidence of parasites growing, causing the decline in bumble bees. Researchers suggest that the population of several North American species have declined.