Trio - Upward Bound UB-1 | Page 22

How does technology negatively affect today's society?


Due to its rapid evolution, every person benefits from technology. People are unaware of the effects of technology in our daily lives; it allows people to communicate easier and enhances their knowledge. However, this research project will examine the negative effects of technology on people including miscommunication, health problems such as obesity and diabetes, isolation, and depression


Millions of people saw the animated Disney Pixar movie Wall-E which negatively displayed society’s over-reliance of high tech objects and technology. Wall-E is not an over-dramatization. Research and literature surrounding technology in today’s society witnessed the ill-effects of the introduction of technology in the Canadian Oji-Cree society. Research revealed an increase in “morbid obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes”(Wu, 2014). Several other societies were also affected by the use of technology. The global society needs to see the negative results of an over-reliance on technology. These effects of over-reliance on technology include obesity, isolation, depression and, most importantly, miscommunication


The aim of this research it to gain and share a better understanding of the effects of running on the human body.


This research is a literature review of the awareness of negative effects of technology. The community chosen for this topic is global. Three peered reviewed articles were searched on the topic of the negative effects of technology in the global community using the articles that we found in the National Science Digital Library.


Overall this research found many people evolving technology evolve due to its comfort and efficiency it provides for everyday life. However, technology is hurting society more than it is helping. The author Tim Wu in, “As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse?” gives an example of a 19th century Canadian nomadic tribe who lost the majority of their culture and acquired many health problems, like obesity and type 2 diabetes, due to the introduction of technology by 20th century to their culture. The author conveys the message of technology evolving due to human demands despite its potential destruction of people, like the Canadian nomadic society. A study by Douglass Klein (2012) analyzes how technology controls society today by relating situations and identifying the benefits of technologies’ progress and its relationship towards society. Deb, like Klein, explains the impact that technology has on society and