meditation. It is called dhyana. If you read and recite the
Trimantra in this manner, then your meditation will improve a lot.
Aum Namah Shivaaya
Questioner : ‘Aum Namah Shivaaya’
Dadashri : In this world, whosoever becomes the
embodiment of salvation (kalyan swaroop) is called Shiva. Those
who are presently living and have no ego are called Shiva. As
such there is no person named Shiva. Shiva in itself means
kalyan swaroop – a savior. This obeisance is directed to those
who have reached the state of kalyan swaroop, and are showing
others the path; to such beings do I bow.
We bow to all who have attained the state of becoming
an embodiment of salvation, whether they are in India or
Lord Shankara
Why do they sing ‘I am Shiv and I am Nilkanth too’?
When you drink the poisons this world serves you (when you
accept all suffering, mistreatment, abuse etc., that you receive at
the hands of others), then you too become Shankar or Shiva.
If anyone abuses you and insults you and you accept it with
equanimity (sambhaav), and you bless that person, you become
Shankar. Equanimity cannot be maintained all the time but when
you bless your aggressor, it can be attained. If you try to maintain
only equanimity it can backfire so you must also bless your
When we go to Mahadev’s (Lord Shankar’s) temple, we
say :
‘Despite having the trident (the trident symbolizing the
weapon of the mind, speech and body),
I drink the poisons of the world.
I am the very Shankar and the very Nilkanth’