and there is no stopping this. Just as we need two atoms of
hydrogen and one of oxygen for water, this is no different. This
is a scientific phenomenon. This sixty-three is not my number,
if it were, I would have put sixty-four instead of sixty- three, but
nature has made such an exquisite arrangement, and it is also
vyavasthit – it is ordained!
Read and Recite The Trimantra
How is the mantra to be recited? For example, when you
say ‘Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’, as you recite these
words, you should be able to visualize Lord Krishna. Regardless
of the image you have of Lord Krishna, the moment you recite
these words the image of Lord Krishna should come to you.
What is the use if you recite this mantra but do not see the
image of the one you are paying obeisance to?
If you just say the name alone, then the benefits you get
will be limited, but along with the name, if you see their image,
your benefits will be greater.
Questioner : How should we meditate when we say
‘Namo Arihantanam’? Do we have to see a specific color?
Dadashri : ‘Namo Arihantanam….’, there is no need to
be meditating on a color while saying ‘Namo Arihantanam’, but
if you want to, then close your eyes and you should be able to
see the letters ‘N-A-M-O A-R-I-H-A-N-T-A-N-A-M…You
get tremendous benefits from this. Can you not read these letters
as you say ‘Namo Arihantanam’? Try practicing this; you will
be able to read the letters.
Then ‘Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’, even when
you say this, you should be able to visualize each letter. You will
be able to recite with each letter. If you practice this for two
days then by the third day you will be able to see the letters
very clearly.
Mantras seen and read (chintan) in this manner is