Tri Mantra Tri Mantra | Page 42

Trimantra 31 Mahadev Shankar drank all the poisons that were given to him. Whoever gave him the poison, he drank it all. I too have taken the poison in the same way and have become Mahadev. If you want to become Mahadev, you too can do the same. You have not lost anything yet. It is not too late to do so. If you can do so for five to ten years more, that is enough. Then you too can become Mahadev. But alas before anyone gives you the poison, you make others drink it! You say, “You become Mahadev, I don’t want to!”. Sohum, Yes: Shivoham, No. Questioner : Some people say “Shivoham, Shivoham”, what does that mean? Dadashri : Those who had attained the level of Shiva in the previous time cycle, not in this current time cycle, used to say, “Shivoham”. Their disciples imitated them and so did the disciples of their disciples. But does that mean they too have become a Shiva? At home they quarrel with their wives and children and yet go around saying “Shivoham.” Does this kind of behavior not defame Shiva? Questioner : But at least during the time he chants, ‘Shivoham’, he is not quarrelling with his wife, right? Dadashri : No. ‘Shivoham’ cannot be said at all. If that were the case, then he would not need anyone for guidance on his spiritual path. Once you’re on the right track then there is no need to worry about anything else. Unless and until you attain the experience of the Self you cannot say, ‘I am Shiva,’. You cannot say, ‘I am pure Soul,’ without the experience of the Soul. You have to have the realization and the experience of what you are claiming to be. Some people chant, ‘Aham Brahmasmi, I am Brahma.’ What is Brahma and what is brahmasmi? What understanding do you have of these words that you are uttering this word? Even the people who taught you