Tri Mantra Tri Mantra | Page 31

20 Trimantra change the language! It has come out of Lord Mahavir’s mouth and when he speaks the atoms (parmanus) are so precisely arranged that people are awestruck upon hearing him. Ordinarily when people recite this Navkar, they can barely hear it themselves and consequently the benefits they reap are significantly minimized. They do not hear the benefit! The full benefit is acquired when all the five sense are able to ‘hear’ the mantra. The eyes would see it, the ears would hear it, and the nose would smell it… Questioner : You have said something extremely important. Dadashri : Yes, when they utter the Navkar mantra, their ears cannot hear it, and all the senses remain deprived and hungry, only the tongue moves around in the mouth, so what kind of benefit will it give? It is only when all the five senses become content; one can say that the Navkar mantra is fruitful. When you say it, your ears should be able to hear, your nose should be able to smell, at that moment, even the skin should be able to feel it through its tactile sense. All this is required and necessary. That is why I ask you to recite it loudly. Sadhu : Worldly Versus True The sadhus we refer to are those who do sadhana (striving, self-discipline; rituals etc) to achieve the Soul, not the ones whose sadhana is aimed for attainment of worldly things, for gratification of tastes, for fame and prestige. These sadhana are different and the sadhana for the Soul is different. I bow down to such sadhus. The sadhana for the Soul does not include any sadhana for worldly things. Those who strive for worldly things are not sadhus. Amongst all the sadhus there are in India, perhaps maybe one or so would qualify for this status. No such sadhu exists on this earth, they c an be found elsewhere in the universe. It is to them that our namaskar reaches and that is why we get benefits. This universe extends beyond the parameters man has given it; it is very vast. Therefore I bow down to all the sadhus wherever they may be.