Tri Mantra Tri Mantra | Page 32

Trimantra 21
Questioner : What does loye mean ?
Dadashri : ‘ Namo Loye Savva Saahunam .’ Loye means loka . It means our universe . So we are saying , ‘ I bow to all the sadhus that are in this universe ’.
Questioner : Does one acquire the knowledge of Soul if one performs rituals and self-discipline ( atma dasha sadhe ) prescribed for the same ?
Dadashri : Yes .
Questioner : So when a person performs sadhana ( what it takes to attain ) for the Soul , does that mean that he or she can experience the Soul ?
Dadashri : Atma dasha Sadhe means to move fast towards the experience of the Self . What is the meaning of sadhana ?
‘ Atam bhavna bhavta jeev lahe keval gyan re ’ Striving for the Self , one attains the perfect Self .
But first he should have the inner intent of experiencing the Soul . When I bestow the realization of the Soul upon you , that Gnan verily is Atma dasha , the state of the Self . Once awakened to the Self , such a being will continue to make progress in the domain of the Self . Some even attain the state of upaadhyaya . And some beyond that state , to the state of acharya . It is not possible to go beyond acharya state in this time cycle .
Questioner : How can we know whether one is striving for the Self ?
Dadashri : We can know by looking at his attributes . If any of his attributes are conducive towards further bondage then you will know . A true aspirant is one who does sadhana only for the Soul and nothing else . None of his actions create