The practice of yoga (union) is a worldly state. The state
of Soul is a different thing altogether. There is a branch of yoga
that focuses on the physical body, different body postures and
asanas (positions). This is a union with the physical body
(dehadhyas). Then there is yoga of the mind (mano yoga) where
one tries to focus on the chakras- energy centers of the body.
There is japa yoga - chanting of mantras, that is the yoga of
speech. These three yogas are overt, worldly and transient and
are distinct from Atma yoga, which is the union with the Self.
The result of worldly yogas is material happiness and physical
well being. Atma Yoga is considered the highest of all yogas. It
leads to liberation and eternal bliss. Savva Saahunam means all
those that practice Atma yoga. To such beings I do bow.
So who is a sadhu? The one who has attained the
conviction (pratiti) of the Self is a sadhu. This is the first step
in the path of liberation. The upaadhyayas have progressed
further and the conviction is much stronger. and the acharyas
have attained the Atma Gnan. The arihant Lord is the complete,
absolute Self. These salutations (namaskars) have been ordained
in this manner.
The Exact Technique Of Reciting Navkar
Questioner : The five stages (levels) of this namaskar
that the Lord has given us, the first four are fine, but with the
fifth one instead of saying ‘Saahunam’ why do they say ‘loye
savva Saahunam’?
Dadashri : The term savva means all. The obeisance is
to all the sadhus of the universe regardless of their religious
Why don’t you write to them, if you wish to change it?
Whatever the Lord has said, he has said for it to be recited
exactly and precisely as given. That speech has been uttered
through Divine lips. It is not to be translated in Gujarati. Do not