TRC 2020 Sustainability Report | Page 44

At TRC , we understand that our success depends on our ability to provide a culture where safety is inherent at all levels of the organization . Our Executive Safety Council comprised of our CEO and Chief Risk Officer , as well as representatives from each of our four operating sectors and Human Resources , provides oversight and leadership for the safety program at TRC . The council meets monthly and is led by TRC ’ s National Safety Director . TRC ’ s National Safety Director and Chief Risk Officer also provide a detailed report of incidents , best practices and safety metrics to our Board of Directors on a quarterly basis .
TRC ’ s Office Safety Coordinator ( OSC ) network continues provide an effective method of implementing new safety programs as well communicating safe work strategies to employees . The OSC network , comprised of more than 90 members , continues to provide safety leadership and support throughout our company , resulting in our best safety metrics in company history in FY20 . OSCs facility our health and safety management system by providing local resources to project managers and project teams . Each year , TRC hosts an OSC conference which is used to provide professional development networking , and recognition for supporting TRC ’ s safety program .
We also continue to use our safety recognition program to identify best practices and promote safety leadership throughout the organization . Employees who are nominated through the program often receive commendation at a local team meeting , are featured in TRC ’ s employee newsletter or in one of TRC ’ s safety bulletins communicated to all employees , and / or receive a monetary gift / award .
Health and Safety Management System
TRC ’ s health and safety management system , which is based on OHSAS 18001 , has been integral in mitigating workplace hazards and consistently achieving safety performance goals . Because we believe a systematic approach provides a more consistent and sustainable method of managing occupational safety , along with the sunsetting of OHSAS , TRC is transitioning to the globally recognized ISO 45001 standard with the intention of having our headquarters office certified in 2021 .
TRC also maintains an ISO 45001 certified management system in our Shanghai China office . Our commitment to environmental , health , and safety management is expressed in Our commitment to EHS Policy . Conformance with the policy is the responsibility of everyone working for or on behalf of TRC .
Our commitment to environmental , health , and safety compliance is expressed in our EHS Policy
■ Our leadership is accountable for managing EHS risks , opportunities and impacts as an integral part of our business .
■ All employees are accountable for understanding and incorporating EHS responsibilities into daily work activities .
■ Contractors , suppliers and partners are accountable for supporting and following TRC ’ s EHS requirements and expectations .
TRC ’ s Safety Coordinator Team
42 2020 Sustainability Report