Transform Transform March 2014 | Page 8

Integrating Your Marketing Efforts If you have real estate blog, it’s a good move to add a plug-in that allows your readers to follow you on Facebook and add another plugin that allows them to like or share your posts with their friends. Of course, you should post a link to all of your blog entries on Facebook. You should also commit to posting interesting tidbits either written by you or someone else at least twice a week. Also, if you use an email marketing program such as Constant Contact or MailChimp and you send out a monthly newsletter, you can post the newsletter on Facebook by using specific Facebook distribution apps designed and made freely available by these companies. This way you avoid your clients’ and prospects’ spam filters and increase the likelihood they will read your newsletter. Experiment with Facebook Ads If you happen to have some money in your marketing budget, you should also consider experimenting by running a Facebook ad. The adv