because tweets from Twitter are
picked up often in real time by
Google, Bing and Yahoo. Many
real estate agents who generate
substantial leads from their own
websites credit their tweets with
generating as much as half of their
new traffic! With such stats, you can
easily see why Twitter stock prices
shot through the roof the day its
initial public offering debuted.
But before you get delirious about
Twitter, successful agents who have
used it to generate quality prospects
caution that it will take some
patience and perseverance for your
tweets to turn into gold.
Watch Your Mix of Tweets
It’s free and easy to create a Twitter
account. Marketing experts say to
stand out from the pack of other
real estate agents you should invest
in a quality logo and a polished and
grammatically flawless description
of you and your business. Also take
the time to design your page and
make sure its colors and images
are pleasing, professional and make
visitors want to stay and return.
Finally, it’s important not to overdo
the selling of yourself and your
services on Twitter or any socialmedia platform. Most successful
agents tweet links to interesting real
estate related articles 80 percent
of the time, and sales-related
tweets 20 percent of the time. The
danger is that potential clients will
be turned off and stop reading
your tweets if they perceive you
are only interested in hawking real
estate and not providing much
useful information to the Twitter
LinkedIn Used Less but
Potentially the Best
Grab Your
Free Copy!
As I mentioned earlier in this article,
only 29 percent of real estate
agents use LinkedIn. While this is
understandable considering the
popularity of Facebook and Twitter,
it might one day be considered a
serious oversight for agents who
didn’t get in on LinkedIn’s ground
That’s because out of the three
social networks we explored in this
article, LinkedIn is by far the one
with the highest demographics
of professionals from various
industries. What differentiates
LinkedIn from Facebook and Twitter
is that members of LinkedIn join to
improve and grow their careers and
businesses. While this means that
LinkedIn is treasure chest of quality
prospects, it also means you’re apt
to face some stiff competition to
earn their business.
Opening an account with LinkedIn
is free, but there is also a paid
professional account that costs
$39.95 a month, if you pay annually.
Many real estate agents end up
utilizing this account because it
gives them a much wider search
range of profiles, allows them to
email any of the members directly
and shows them who is visiting their
profile, including all of the visitors’
demographics. I suggest you start
with the free account, carefully
complete your profile, join some
groups and then monitor them for a
while before signing up for the paid
Mark Rubischko
Loan Officer
Blu Moetgage, Inc.
8723 E. Via De Commercio
Suite A - 100
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
(O) 480-788-4258
(C) 602-809-0927
(F) 480-323-2671
[email protected]