Video Marketing Under Utilized
in Selling Homes
Every real estate agent I know
is looking for an edge over the
competition and a way to multiply
her presence, so she can show
more prospects the latest listings in
the most favorable light.
about 66 percent of the agents
surveyed have a personal website
to promote their listings, only 4
percent of agents post videos of
their listings on their sites and major
video portals such as YouTube.
Video marketing is that edge.
But using video, which offers much
more functionality and depth
than many other sales strategies,
surprisingly, has not gained much
traction among agents. According
to the latest survey by the National
Association of Realtors (NAR), while
Even on official listing or company
sites, only 14 percent of agents are
using video to sell their properties.
Yet, 90 percent of the buyers who
are searching for a home online
say they seek out video listings first,
a spokesman for the NAR told the
Chicago Tribune.
Ground-Floor Opportunity for
Video-Savvy Agents
You don’t have to be a genius to see
that these statistics have uncovered
a great selling opportunity for any
real estate agent that makes a
commitment to learn how to use
video to promote his or her listings
and brand!
Let’s talk a little bit about what type
of video themes successful agents
are creating to market themselves
and their listings.