Press Release Ideas to Gain More
Exposure for Your Business
Publishing press releases is
a common tactic real estate
businesses use as part of a public
relations strategy. Press releases
are a great tool because they get
picked up by other publications,
create links to your online media
entities and provide one solid
source for information.
press releases can make a huge
difference in maximizing your
selling power.
This article will give you some
modern and creative tips to gain
more exposure for you.
If you are looking to publicize
specifically in local markets,
news distribution websites are
great because they allow you to
promote in local markets only.
Submit It Online
So how do you add value to your
traditional press release and
make it stand out in front of the
Using a news release distribution
service like can
greatly increase value and your
The best press releases provide
content for other social media
channels and are easily sharable.
Getting a little creative with your
Submitting your release online
is a good strategy because other
news sites can easily pick up your
information. Local journalists
could even contact you for
article quotes.
Overall, submitting your press
release online is a good SEO
strategy that will benefit your
personal real estate site.
Use Momentum from
National News
When national news hits
related to your industry, it’s an