Transform Transform July 2014 | Page 13

with your audience for a specific method. For example, if you are advertising to first-time home buyers, include a ranch or other smaller home with the list. Even worse, they might guess that your business has closed its doors. a personal level, and you don’t want to make interested parties feel anything else. When to Post Answer Questions in a Timely Fashion After a long day of conducting open houses and taking clients to visit properties, you might be tempted to post a listing in the middle of the night. Many people look to buy homes after they are married or when they are expecting a baby for the first time or a second child. Twitter is a platform for advertising, but it also allows you to connect with potential buyers. When you have dozens of questions coming in on a regular basis, answering all of them might seem overwhelming. However, failure to address the concerns of possible clients means that you may very well lose their business. This task does not have to be one that you deal with by yourself. Instead, consider hiring a social media expert to keep the Twitter account up-to-date in terms of answering user questions and concerns. While this time period may work for you, chances are, most of your prospective buyers have already retired for the evening. Think about to whom you are trying to speak. Let’s say that you have a five-bedroom home that would be perfect for a family with three children. Post your information at lunch-time or after dinner when parents would likely be on a break from work. Carefully weave these elements into your Twitter updates. You might want to pose a question asking if any of your followers are getting married this summer or expecting a baby when the spring comes. Then, you can follow-up with information about a home that would be just perfect. In the 21st century, using Twitter to connect with people is practically a must for real estate professionals that want to have long-term success and to speak with as many people as possible. Incorporate Life Events Twitter certainly helps you to connect with your audience on Starting a Twitter account opens the door to many new marketing possibilities. Don’t Lose Touch In addition to actually answering the questions that your followers have, you want to maintain a regular presence on Twitter. While you don’t need to post constantly throughout the day, you should try to log-in on a regular basis and give clients and future clients an update on what you are doing. If a long period of time goes by and you do not post anything, individuals might assume that you have no new listings or information to share with them. 13