5 Advanced Tips for Using Your
Facebook Page to Generate Leads
Facebook is often thought of as
simply a way to connect with
friends and family. Sure, some
companies may use it to reach
out to their customers, but they
don’t do it effectively.
If they put any effort at all into
their social media efforts, they
use only the barest of techniques
and fail to take true advantage of
the power of the platform.
However, if you’re interested in
generating more leads for your
business through the use of more
advanced techniques, this article
will show you how.
It’s possible to turn Facebook
into your most powerful leadgenerating resource, and it can
be nearly completely automated.
1. Incite Attention
Far too many Facebook pages
exist simply to serve as a virtual
business card for a company.
Break the mold and provide
entertaining content that makes
readers want to share your
posts. It can be anything from
a motivational quote to a funny
Another option is to share
information about the current
state of your business. What’s
the housing market like? Would
readers be making a smart
decision to invest now rather
than later?
You are your brand, so adding a
bit of personality into your posts
can go a long way and help you
to better grow your business.
Just make sure you keep things
fresh an interesting, not boring
and stale.
2. Grow Your Audience
It goes without saying, but a
larger audience generates more
leads than a smaller one.
This happens for several reasons,
the main one being that a larger
audience means you can reach
a greater number of people
through your followers.
If you have around 1,000 fans,
the chance of generating a
lead is much higher than if you
only have 25 or so. Every time
someone ‘likes’ your page or
shares some of your content,
you are able to reach even more
people through their list of
Be sure to have your webmaster
include “Like” buttons on your
website that make it easy
for visitors to follow you on
If you keep your website current
with rich and engaging posts