Sending free movie passes,
packets of seeds for flowers
that are easy to grow, and
entertaining stickers are all great,
easy gifts to send to maintain
contact with clients.
2. Personal Cards
Many real estate agents send
cards to their clients around the
holidays, but there is a better way
to stand out in the crowd.
Remembering important dates
in the lives of the clients, such as
when they first signed the deed
to the house, their birthdays,
wedding anniversaries, and
By sending cards that
commemorate one of these days,
it will show the client that you
care about their lives.
Handwriting the cards is a nice
touch that is well worth the time
and effort.
3. Use Customer Feedback
Another excellent way to
maintain contact is to use
customer feedback surveys that
assess how satisfied customers
were with the services and show
that their input is important.
Most people recommend that the
surveys be sent to the customers
about two or three weeks after
the sale of the home has been
closed. This also allows you to
solidify contact information with
past clients.
4. Provide Organization
When it is time for all of the
taxes to be filed, a client can feel
overwhelmed with the amount
of paperwork that needs to be
collected in order to accurately
pay their taxes.
One easy way to help a client and
catapult yourself to high esteem
is to take all of the forms and
paperwork that were generated
throughout the entire process
and put them in a binder with