Trainers Guide Sessions 1-8 | Page 6

meet your needs . Each session in this guide may contain up to four colour coded sections : Get Ready , Peer Facilitator Tools , Remember That ..., For Further Reading .

Inside : Get Ready

Get Ready is an introduction to each session and allows you to individually explore the information you currently possess and how you may want to build on it to facilitate the session . One of the main roles of a peer facilitator is to aid in the transfer of knowledge among people who share similar circumstances , experiences or backgrounds , such as age , life experiences , or common activities . In the guide , these people are defined as ‘ peer groups ’. The facilitator is responsible for listening to the concerns of the participants , facilitating discussions and providing participants with accurate information about sexual health , drug use and harm reduction practices .
Peer facilitators must ensure that participants feel safe and comfortable by creating a structure for the training and guidelines for the way participants respond to each other in the space . You , as the facilitator , are in a unique position to inspire and encourage your peers to adopt safer sex and / or safer drug use practices because you share common strengths , language and experiences . There are many issues to consider before beginning this training . For example , why is this training important , whom does it serve , and , how can it benefit the greater community ? Peer facilitators need to have in-depth understandings of the content in the guide , as well as the ability to facilitate meaningful and engaging discussions .

Inside : Peer Facilitator Tools

Peer Facilitator Tools provide you with sample activities and group discussion topics . These tools provide you with prompts , advice and guidance during the training . Keep in mind , the guide provides basic information on the subjects presented . However , you are encouraged to conduct further research and reading , as well as to “ think outside the guide ” to develop a training programme that meets a group ’ s specific needs . The guide provides effective facilitation tools that will come in handy for developing group guidelines and activity formats !