o Where are you going to have your training ? How might this affect participants ’ experiences ? Consider issues of safety , time of day and accessibility of the space . o Who are the participants in the training ? How were they recruited ? How many participants are attending ? Ensure that the group isn ’ t too large . We suggest a group of 15 to 25 people . o Consider the age range , geographical location , lived experiences of the participants . Ask yourself – how does this change the facilitation and content of the training ? o What do you hope the participants will get out of the training ? Ensure you have clear learning objectives and share these with the participants at the beginning of the training . o Will participants receive any resources after the training , such as condensed information ? If so , have materials prepared in advance . o Prepare all training materials ( e . g ., such as large white flip-chart papers or a chalkboard , food for participants , resource folders , etc .) in advance . It is up to you and your budget to decide what is needed and what works for the group . o Plan sufficient time for the sessions you want to deliver . You will find time suggestions for each activity provided in this guide .