Trailblazer Newsletter Spring 2017 | Page 3


Take a Hike — Please

Physical & Mental Health Benefits Abound
Helping Cub Scouts Enjoy A Good Walk
Studies have shown that all forms of walking have health benefits . So hiking , the act of taking a long vigorous walk in the outdoors , must be even better !
More than the physical is the mental . The improvement in mood and memory is also a proven fact . In a 2012 study the Huffington Post learned “ spending time outdoors increases attention spans and creative problem-solving skills by as much as 50 percent .”
Then there ’ s the tangible things like the hiking segment of the National Outdoor Award or the Hiking Merit Badge . And don ’ t forget it ’ s a Second Class rank requirement .
So whether it ’ s the slopes of Sangre de Cristo Mountains at Philmont Scout Reservation or the beautiful trails around Lake Arthur at Moraine State Park , hiking has huge benefits .
Oh yeah , it ’ s also fun .
No Surprises . Visit the trail before the scheduled hike . Learn the surroundings .
Embrace Technology . Let the boys discover the benefits and pitfalls of depending on smartphones and GPS . Compare that with map & compass .
Surprise Them . When checking the trail in advance , hide an ammo can full of energy bars .
Dry Socks . Require the boys to bring a pair of clean socks . Stop at the mid-point and have them change so they feel the benefits of dry socks .
Encourage Sticks . Use a walking stick or trekking pole . While not necessary on simple hikes it will prepare them for the more challenging ones later .
Be Prepared . Have a back-up first aid kit , moleskin , cell phone battery and rain disposable ponchos .
Lightweight . Keeping it light will decrease the pain later .
Wear Sunscreen . Good advice anytime their will be sunshine .
Cub Scouts are unique ! ( You don ’ t need to tell a Cub Scout leader that ). For a successful walk , there needs to be a different level of discipline and a much higher degree of planning .
A great experience walking with their friends and exploring nature can lead to a life-long healthy habit . A bad experience with an under trained or unprepared leader could lead to negative outcomes , not the least of which is a reluctance to try hiking again .
Review these tips on making your hike more fun : http :// tinyurl . com / CubScoutHike
Spring 2017
Moraine Trails Council , Boy Scouts of America