Trailblazer Newsletter Spring 2017 | Página 2

We now have the Washington ’ s Trail District of the Moraine Trails Council with three Service Areas ( in place of Districts ): River Valley , Glacier Ridge and King Beaver .
Confusing ? A little . Will it lead to a better Scouting program in our Council ? Absolutely ! We made this change in order to become more efficient and provide the same services to our volunteers .
In spite of the minor change in names and organization structure , the volunteer responsibilities haven ’ t changed . The mission is the same .
These are exciting times for your Council . We have new staff members getting trained and up to speed . We are improving our website and communication methods . We are using new online tools for event registration and soon will be registering youth and leaders online .
The Council staff wakes up every morning planning our day to better serve you . We take care of the administrative and planning tasks which allows you time to mold the character of our youth . We dream of new ways to be more efficient and do more with less . We watch the Council ’ s finances like it was our own and only spend money when necessary .
So whether you are talking about Moraine Trails Council or Washington ’ s Trail District or GR / RV / KB Service Area or your own Troop / Pack / Crew #, it ’ s all about serving youth . Together .
Thank you for all you are doing for the youth in Scouting and thank you for training the future leaders of our country .
Ray Tennent
Raymond . Tennent @ scouting . org 724-287-6791

Washington ’ s Trail District


Trailblazer , the official newsletter of Moraine Trails Council , BSA is published quarterly plus three special editions . This issue and past issues can be found on the Council website : http :// morainetrails . org
March 1 Washington ’ s Trail District - Annual Business Mtg . 2 Campership Applications Due 4 BALOO 4 Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training 8 Council-wide Roundtable Webinar 11 First Aid Meet 12 OA Ex Meeting 18 KB - Pinewood Derby 18 RV - Pinewood Derby 23 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner 28 RV - Eagle Scout Boards of Review 29 GR - Eagle Scout Boards of Review 31 OA Elections Period Ends
April 1 Commissioner College 1 2017 Technology Merit Badge Academy 5 Washington Trail ' s District Meeting 6 Camp Bucoco Pre-Camp Leaders Orientation 6 Camp Deposits Fees Due
7-9 National Jamboree Shakedown Weekend 9 GR - Pinewood Derby 9 OA Ex Meeting
21-23 NE4AVOA Quad — Four Corners of the World 22 Camp Agawam Service Day 25 RV - Eagle Scout Boards of Review 26 Eagle Scout Preparation 26 GR - Eagle Scout Boards of Review
5-7 OA Spring Ordeal Camp Bucoco 7 OA Ex Meeting 10 Council Annual Business Meeting 11 Camp Final Payments Due 11 Cub Scout Resident Camp Leaders Orientation 19-20 Cub Scout Spring Family Camporee 19-21 National Jamboree Shakedown Weekend 30 RV - Eagle Scout Boards of Review 31 GR - Eagle Scout Boards of Review
http :// facebook . com / morainetrails
1 Moraine Trails Council , Boy Scouts of America Spring 2017