Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 13

Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives
In addition to the findings from the paper analysis , projects or initiatives were identified that address various aspects of Green IT .


Bibliographic information of the papers was read in by Scopus and processed using various R packages . In particular , the keywords specified in the papers were extracted and processed in R , so that subject areas could be identified on the basis of the frequency of certain keywords . Previously , duplicate papers were removed from the dataset , leaving 12,539 papers .
Figure 3-1 : IT / OT convergence and trustworthiness .
Figure 3-1 shows the distribution of keywords that occurred at least 1000 times in the data set . The most frequently occurring keyword is , as expected , one of the search terms , " Green Computing ." Here it is noticeable that scientific papers are not marked with the keywords " Green IT " or " Green ICT ," which occurred less than 1000 times , but predominantly with " Green Computing .”
In addition to general aspects of green IT such as " energy efficiency " and " energy utilization ," the most frequent keywords that appear in the same articles with one of the search terms as a keyword also include current technology trends such as " cloud computing ," " edge computing " and the " Internet of Things ." Green IT is therefore definitely concerned with current technologies .
Upon further examination , it is also noticeable that two topics are missing that should supposedly play a greater role : " Data Centers ," which was only used 905 times as a keyword , and " Artificial
8 April 2023