Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 14

Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives
Intelligence ," which was used a total of 383 times . In the case of data centers , however , it should be noted that various spellings and special cases were used .
For example , in addition to the aforementioned keyword " Data Centers ," the thematically related terms " Data Center " ( 493 times ), " Cloud Data Centers " ( 419 times ), " Datacenter " ( 344 times ) and " Green Data Centers " ( 109 times ) also appeared , so that the topic area of data centers is represented overall at a similar level to the technology trends mentioned .
In the following , the individual key topics are analyzed in more detail . For this purpose , those papers that match the respective keyword / aspect are filtered out of the previously selected papers . The following topics are examined in more detail based on their frequency :
• Cloud Computing
• Edge Computing
• Virtual Machine
• Data Center
• Internet of Things
• Artificial Intelligence
The search query on Scopus was extended accordingly by a search term with the corresponding keywords , as well as related terms and other spellings . The results were also again limited to the period 2016-2022 ( key date : October 11 th , 2022 ) to maintain a certain topicality .


Search Term
Cloud Computing
{ Cloud }
Internet of Things
{ Internet of Things } OR { IoT }
Edge Computing
{ Edge }
Virtual Machine
{ Virtual Machine } OR { VM }
Data Centers
{ Data Centers } OR { Data Center }
Artificial Intelligence
{ Artificial Intelligence } OR { AI } OR { Machine Learning }
Table 3-1 : Frequency of papers with specific keywords .
Table 3-1 shows the number of papers for each keyword , while Error ! Reference source not found . Figure 3-2 shows word clouds containing the most important keywords for each of the topics listed in Table 3-1 . The larger a word appears in the cloud , the more frequently it appears as a keyword found in the papers . Thus , general aspects such as energy efficiency or consumption play an important role for many of the topic areas . However , a closer look also reveals aspects that are more technical . For Cloud and Edge Computing , for example , mechanisms such as virtualization or computation offloading are important .
Journal of Innovation 9