Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 12

Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives
• design for environmental sustainability
• energy-efficient computing
• power management
• data center design , layout , and location
• server virtualization
• responsible disposal and recycling
• regulatory compliance
• green metrics , assessment tools , and methodology
• environment-related risk mitigation
• use of renewable energy sources
• eco-labeling of IT products .
Although the aspects mentioned beforehand were published in 2008 , the aspects and topics addressed are still current and important . Data centers in particular are a major topic , but with increasing technological progress , new areas have also emerged having also green IT potential .
Trending technologies that have become increasingly important in recent years , such as the Internet of Things , cloud / edge computing or artificial intelligence , are responsible for a significant progress with an impact on everyday life , but the emissions caused by those technologies and their power consumption must not be disregarded .
The following chapter will take a closer look at the specific aspects of green IT nowadays .

3 CURRENT RESEARCH TOPICS In this chapter , current topics from research are examined in more detail .


For this purpose , scientific publications ( papers ) from recent years were analyzed for recurring keywords .
Papers from the last six years ( January 2016- August 2022 ) were examined . These were taken from the scientific literature database Scopus . The search terms used were :
• Green IT
• Green ICT
• Green Computing
Other possible search terms such as " Green Internet of Things " or " Green AI " were omitted to prevent a bias towards these topics . In the period under review , 12,551 papers on the above terms were found . The papers were analyzed using the software environment R .
Journal of Innovation 7