Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 8

This year the NSCL Scholarship Committee recognized four outstanding members for their scholastic achievement and dedication and service to the organization. The NSCL offers three different scholarships to its members: The Dennis Bartlow Book Award, The Susan Schearer National Senior Classical League Scholarship, and the Hal Rather Award.

The Susan Schearer NSCL Scholarship, named after long-time NSCL attendee Susan Schearer, grants an SCLer $2,000 for pursuing a classics-related major. Any NSCL member majoring in Latin, Greek, Classics, etc. may apply for the scholarship. This year’s winner was Syndey Sparks of Hillsdale College.

The scholarship applicant with the highest financial need who is not awarded the Susan Schearer scholarship will be awarded the Dennis Bartlow Book Award, named after the late Dennis Bartlow. This award gives the recipient $600 for their continued study in the Classics. This year’s recipient was Elliot Rebello of the University of Maryland.

“It felt like the SCL really cares about me, and all its members,” Rebello said. “A lot of JCLers might think the SCL is goofy, and while it totally is, it is just as loving of an organization as its junior counterpart.”

The Hal Rather Award functions similarly to the NJCL Packet Award, giving a packet for the next year’s convention to the winner. It is an open application to any SCLer who has attended at least one convention. The applications are reviewed by the NSCL Executive Board and awarded based on financial need, service to the SCL, and letters of recommendation. There were two winners this year: Heather Austin (FL) and Martina Bright (IL).

Congratulations to all the winners this year. We hope to see your applications next year. For more information on these scholarships, due dates, and the like please contact Jeff Coker, Scholarship Board Chairman, by email [email protected].

Gratias maximas, SCL!


2016 NJCL Editor

The SCL with whom we do our super complicated and secret handshakes is the body part you take for granted but is so necessary. The SCL is basically all your internal systems. The JCL is the friendly hand and the adults are our feet that move us forward in life, but the SCL is the body inside that you don’t think about. The lungs and the heart, incredibly important for our survival, but most of us aren’t constantly making sure that they’re working properly. Our lungs and our heart keep us alive, much like the omnipotent SCL, who make sure that the JCL is alive during Ludi and Olympika, doing their utmost to make sure that it all runs smoothly. They are the nerves that send the news throughout our body; the omniscient SCL who know how to make the JCL laugh at the jokes in the Convention Ear or at That’s Entertainment. They are the ones who keep up with the daily publication, the Convention Ear, during convention making sure that JCLers are well-informed. They are our sturdy bones throughout the body. The bones are our omnipresent SCL; they are always around and they are dependable. Without all these key components, the JCL body would fall apart, and that is why they are indispensable.

The newly elected officers of the NSCL are the stomach to keep us heartily full with JCLove. The 2015-2016 NSCL officers are President Trace Turner, Vice President Kathryn Szymanski, Secretary Maddie Briner, Treasurer Jon Gumz, Parliamentarian Bob McDonald, Editor Jack Godar, and Historian Sarah Christian.

The JCL thanks the SCL a thousand times over for keeping the JCL body healthy and happy.

SCL Scholarships


2016 NSCL President


Below: A group photo of SCLers and some former SCLers at the 2015 NJCL Convention


Fall 2015 · Torch:U.S. · SCL NEWS