Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 9

Mr. Howard Chang from Flint Hill School in Virginia, Mr. David Jackson from Oak Hall School in Florida, Ms. Marilyn Reinhardt from Memphis University School in Tennessee, Mr. Kyle Smith-Laird from the Willows Community School in California, and Mr. Jeremy Walker from Crown Point High School in Indiana were recognized as “Summa Cum Laude Junior Classical League Sponsors” at the sponsor’s banquet during the 62nd annual National JCL Convention held at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. This “Master JCL Sponsor” designation is based upon extraordinary service to the JCL on the local, state, and national levels. Teachers who have achieved this distinction have been sponsors of local JCL chapters for 12 or more years. They have performed distinguished service to their respective state JCL chapters through service as state chairs, sponsoring student state officers, and/or hosting state JCL functions. In addition these sponsors have attended at least 10 National JCL conventions where they have presented workshops, sponsored national students officers, and/or chaired a national competition or event. Over the past 12 years only 108 sponsors

from the entire National JCL organization have been so honored. This year, there were no “Maxima Cum Laude Junior Classical League Chaperone” awards. In order to receive the Chaperone awards, chaperones must have chaperoned students at National Convention for at least five years and must have fully participated in those conventions a judges, proctors, assistants, or door guards. Such individuals are indispensible to the organization; without them, student would not be able to attend convention, and convention itself would not run as efficiently and effectively as it does. This was the 10th year this award was possible. There currently are 20 members in this national “hall of fame”.

Sponsor Awards


NJCL Public Relations Chair

The Ed Phinney Book Award was created in 1989 and named after Ed Phinney, a Classics professor at the University of Massachusetts and a former president of the American Classical League. Dr. Phinney's contributions to classical studies and to the teaching of Latin and Greek were exemplary. This award honors those who have made significant contributions to the NJCL. The award (obviously) is a book as well as a packet to next year’s convention. This year, the award was presented to Ms. Janet Fillion (MA) by Ms. Tamara Bauer and Ms. Viet Luong.

The Mildred Sterling Award was created in 1997 and was named for Mildred Sterling, a Latin teacher from Waco, Texas. Mrs. Sterling attended every NJCL Convention from the first one in 1954 all the way up through 1996, and she even attended the 1953 planning meeting for that first convention. This award honors those persons who have attended many NJCL Conventions and who have distinguished themselves with dedication to NJCL during their time here. This year, the award was presented to Mr. Jeff Coker by Ms. Sherry Jankowski, Mr. Tony Martin, and Ms. Catherine Sturgill.

Book Awards


NJCL Public Relations Chair

Above and Left: Recipients of the Summa Cum Laude Sponsor Awards, including Mr. Kyle Smith-Laird (left) of CA, Mr. Jeremy Walker (middle top) of IN, Ms. Marilyn Reinhardt (middle bottom) of TN, and Mr. David Jackson (right) of FL. Mr. Howard Chang of VA also received this award but is not pictured.

Bottom: The recipient of the Ed Phinney Book Award, Ms. Janet Fillion of MA (top), and the recipient of the Mildred Sterling Book Award, Mr. Jeff Coker of FL (bottom).

SPONSOR AWARDS · Torch:U.S. · Fall 2015