Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 6

A New Year, A New Board


2016 NJCL Editor

The election for the 2015-2016 NJCL Executive Board was held at the 62nd NJCL Convention in San Antonio, Texas, this year. After Nominations Committee, there were 12 candidates for the seven offices. All the candidates were pre-filed candidates. For the position of president, the candidates were Brier Clough (VA) and James Bury (NC); for the position of first vice president, Michael Kearney (WI); for the position of second vice president, Hanna Seariac (MA) and Susan Symanski (IN); for the position of communications coordinator, Jonathan Nozik (CA) and Madison Lee (FL); for the position of parliamentarian, Amanda Hansen (NV) and Caren Valenciano (TX); for the position of historian, Tiffany Xu (GA) and Hannah Barrett (OH); for the position of editor, Woojin Lee (LA).

Campaigning began almost immediately, sprouting chalk art and posters everywhere you turned. At Meet the Candidates on Wednesday, delegates were able to ask the candidates about their platforms and learn more about their qualifications. Afterwards, during the third General Assembly, the candidates gave their speeches in front of the 1,600 delegates, outlining their goals and summarizing their campaigns.

Before the voting fellowship and fourth General Assembly on Thursday, the candidates were asked more questions by the national officers of each position at Candidates’ Open Forum. They were asked serious questions pertaining the job of the office, and at the end of the forum, candidates were asked for their favorite dance move.

At the fourth General Assembly, Parliamentarian Ashley Blazek announced the 2015-2016 NJCL Executive Board. They are President Brier Clough, 1st Vice President Michael Kearney, 2nd Vice President Hanna Seariac, Communications Coordinator Jon Nozik, Parliamentarian Amanda Hansen, Historian Hannah Barrett, and Editor Woojin Lee. Congratulations to the new board, and thank you to everyone who ran.

Constitutional Amendments Passed


NJCL Constitutional Advisor

At the 2015 NJCL Convention, one amendment to the constitution and one amendment to the bylaws were approved.

The constitutional amendment removed an article which pertained to the method by which the original constitution was ratified. That method involved states mailing ballots to the NJCL office. It included a provision by which unreturned ballots, would be counted as a vote in favor of ratification. A new article, which replaced it, states that if an entirely new constitution is proposed in the future, it shall be ratified by the same process as a constitutional amendment is currently approved.

The bylaw amendment removed a portion of the bylaws which established a method for calculating the subscription price for the TORCH:U.S. The method was based on the cost of printing and mailing. NJCL has begun producing a digital version of the TORCH:U.S. Therefore, we no longer need to calculate the cost of a subscription.

NJCL Committee Spot Filled


NJCL Constitutional Advisor

After serving two consecutive five-year terms on the National Committee as the Chair of Academic Contests, Mrs. Laura Long of Tennessee has been elected as a Member of the Committee for Junior and Senior Classical Leagues Emerita. During her ten years of service, she also several terms as Vice Chair of the Committee. Her service is greatly appreciated and she will be sorely missed.

Mr. David Jackson of Florida was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Jackson taught Latin at Oak Hall School in Gainseville, Fla., for 13 years and is well known for his dedication to the JCL. He served as president of the Classical Association of Florida and Certamen Chair and Academic Chair for Florida JCL.

National News

Above: Mr. David Jackson (FL) accepts the position of Academic Contests Chair from his predecessor, Ms. Laura Long (TN).

Left: The 2015-2016 NJCL Executive Board: (from left to right) Second VP Hanna Seariac (MA), First VP Michael Kearney (WI), Editor Woojin Lee (LA), Communications Coordinator John Nozik (CA), Historian Hannah Barrett (OH), Parliamentarian Amanda Hansen (NV), and President Brier Anne Clough (VA).


Fall 2015 · Torch:U.S. · NATIONAL NEWS