Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 5

The Final Chapter

Serving as your NJCL Editor was an honor and the experience of a lifetime. Through my five years in JCL, I have gone from that Latin nerd who studied Certamen with his teammates to an agent of the organization that made that possible for me. For this MAJiCL transformation, I have many MassJCLers to thank: my Certamen coaches and teammates for supporting my campaign, despite its distractions; the MassJCL state chairs and officers for giving me the confidence to run for office; and most importantly, my sponsor Mrs. Nancy Sinacola. She has always seen the leadership potential in me, from making me Certamen team captain to encouraging me to run for office. Mrs. Sinacola made me realize that the JCL was more than just a group of classically inclined students. It was a family that raised me, and I wanted to raise it higher.

As editor, I have tried my hardest to spread news across the JCL world by transitioning to a digital Torch:U.S. This would not have been possible without my hardworking and caring mentor, Ms. Caitlin Johnston, and the omnipresent members of Team Editor. Finally, thank you to the kind, accomplished, and hilarious group of officers that I have the privilege of being lifelong friends with. With that, my term comes to a close. But I leave it in the good hands of Woojin Lee, the editor of the 65th volume of the Torch:U.S.

Bonum certamen certavi, cursum consummavi, fidem servavi. Thank you, JCL, for letting me “fight the good fight, finish the course, and keep the faith” in the classics. (2 Timothy 4:7)

Corde aperto,

Amol Punjabi

2014-2015 NJCL Editor

A JCLer's Convention Reflection

The NJCL Convention this year was nothing less than amazing. Everything was perfect. From the warm welcome we received from the Texas delegation, to the goodbye hugs given at the farewell dance, nothing could have made this convention better. Well actually, the only thing I would change would be the blistering 100 degree Texas heat. Other than that, my friends and I had a blast meeting new people, competing in almost every event, and truly getting involved in this year’s convention.

We all decided to try something new. Many of us went to the Candidates Open Forum, some of us tried academic tests, and all of us decided to go and play cards with people we had never met before. My most memorable experience at this convention was spirit. New Jersey not only participated, but dominated. We made up themed cheers for each day ranging from, ‘H-O-W-D-I-E’ (Wild Wild West) and ‘We all live in the NJJCL’ (Throwback Thursday). If anyone saw a giant banana being flung around the air, yes it was New Jersey, and yes that was me.

The only issue with spirit this year was me not knowing how to pace myself. After the first day I went too hard and lost my voice, but don’t worry, it came back eventually. Since this year’s convention was in Texas, many New Jersey JCLers were not able to make it (I think the heat and the long distance scared many away). But I promise you, next year in Indiana, New Jersey will be there bigger and better than ever.

Andrew String

2014-2015 New Jersey JCL Consul

This issue of the Torch:U.S. will be the first of four issues during the 2015–16 school year. Future issues will be in winter, spring, and summer. All state news articles should be sent to NJCL Editor Woojin Lee. States and local chapters are encouraged to submit news for publication.

Editorials, reflecting the views of the Torch:U.S. staff, will appear on the Opinion page. Letters to the editor or opinion pieces are welcomed for publication on the Voices pages. Submissions should be sent to the editor for consideration. All letters must be signed and names and addresses or official titles will be used in the publication.

Cover story ideas, reviews of teaching materials, and creative writing submissions are always accepted for consideration. Send these items to NJCL Publications Chair, Caitlin Johnston.

Advertising in the Torch:U.S. is now being accepted. The rates for JCL members are $50 for a quarter page, $90 for a half page, and $120 for a full page. Advertising rates for non-JCL members are $100 for a quarter page, $180 for a half page, and $240 for a full page.

Advertising deadlines are available from the publications chair. Ad copy should be sent to Sherwin Little, National Junior Classical League, Hamilton, OH 45013.

Future editions of theTorch:U.S. will be available online at and through the NJCL's social media accounts. Individuals who would like to receive a printed edition can order one directly through when viewing the digital edition. The price of a print copy varies based on the issue. Any questions on ordering a print copy can be sent to Publications Chair Caitlin Johnston.

2015-2016 Torch:U.S. Guidelines Published





VOICES · Torch:U.S. · Fall 2015